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Caterell 17th January 2009 03:27 PM

Want List
I am on the lookout for seeds of these species if anyone ever has some spare or wants to trade (if I can find some postage money and some seeds to trade, that is!) I hope to eventually acquire seeds of these plants... eventually...

Seed Want List:

1.Darlingtonia Othello, Othello x, or seeds from any other unusual parents...
2.Dionaea pymgy forms, such as 'cudo' etc.
3.Drosera Intermedia w/ location data except 'Great Swamp', 'Cuba', 'Californian Giant'
4.Drosera Spatulata varieties except 'Loureirii'
5.Drosera Binata varieties other than 't-form'
6.Drosera Peltata or Auriculata varieties except var.glabrata
7.Heliamphora Nutans, Minor, Heterodoxa, Tatei or hybrids
8.Practically any Nepenthes seed
9.Purebred Sarracenia seeds, or complex hybrids, or w/location data, or from unusual parents
10. Pinguicula seeds

plantas-carnivoras 26th March 2009 12:07 AM

Re: Want List
I have the following species:

D. Spatulata typica
D. Spatulata Fraiser Island
D. Spatulata Red 'White Flower'

If you want, I'll can swap seeds.


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