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marvin1997 9th May 2009 06:17 PM

My dream is to collect every Dionea there is.(but not every CP la, a bit pain in the wallet if I did that)
What are yours?

plantlover 9th May 2009 06:24 PM

Re: Dream
Collect every nep in the world and after that all cps in the world(99% impossible)

Khoas 9th May 2009 07:55 PM

Re: Dream
My is to get very species and variety of Drosera as well as many of the other CPS as I can :smile:

David 10th May 2009 09:11 AM

Re: Dream
For me to get a landed property and grow every Nepenthes I can get my hands on. Have a cold room to grow highland Nepenthes.

Also to grow every Drosera I can find, ie. from Temperate, Mediterranean and Tropical climates. Will have to have a cool grow chamber for this too.

After that have ponds and ponds of Aldrovanda, aquatic and terrestrial Utricularia. :)

Aliamyz 10th May 2009 04:55 PM

Re: Dream
My dream is to build a highland terrarium which is under progress and hope it will be a success.

Second,i must get straight A's for my PMR;)

Thirly is to create my very own hybrid using rare species.(which is in progree too)

csl115811 10th May 2009 06:31 PM

Re: Dream
wat type Nep Albo u get recently? make u so happy? can share?

csl115811 10th May 2009 06:33 PM

Re: Dream
haha..i think thats really your dream? looking for any property now? since economy downturn..may have cheap one :-)

funkychips 10th May 2009 08:47 PM

Re: Dream
My plant-related dream is to have a terrarium full of beautiful green mosses of as many kinds as possible . I reckon that is a not too impossible dream to accomplish..*biggrin2*

marvin1997 10th May 2009 09:17 PM

Re: Dream
Right......David and Ali, I like your dreams.What about building a HUGE terrarium outdoors like a tropical forest?The type that you can walk in and take a deep breath a see those Neps and mosses.......ah......... so relaxed.......err,ahem sorry.

kentosaurs 11th May 2009 11:15 AM

Re: Dream

Right......David and Ali, I like your dreams.What about building a HUGE terrarium outdoors like a tropical forest?The type that you can walk in and take a deep breath a see those Neps and mosses.......ah......... so relaxed.......err,ahem sorry.
Hey Marvin..That would be more like a greenhouse already :) As for my dreams i don't really know cos i cant be sure..Why? Its because somehow we will never get tired of wanting something...(Once you get something you want another thing :) )


funkychips 11th May 2009 07:19 PM

Re: Dream

Originally Posted by kentosaurs (Post 16011)
Hey Marvin..That would be more like a greenhouse already :) As for my dreams i don't really know cos i cant be sure..Why? Its because somehow we will never get tired of wanting something...(Once you get something you want another thing :) )


That is so true!! *biggrin2*


powersensor 11th May 2009 08:15 PM

Re: Dream
My dream is to successfully cultivate and propagate VFT to form VFT carpet of my own*biggrin2*. Also to find out the secret of boosting growth of VFT

atmccmn 11th May 2009 11:17 PM

Re: Dream
Sorry to interrupt in your dreaming session. Actually my dreaming days are over ( age related......hahahaahaa) but have some thought for you guys.

I used to have a colleague who always tell us this. If you like something or any particular stuff so much. You can cut it(or draw or any other related idea) out, hang it in front facing your bed. Before you sleep, spend 5-10 min for your imagination go wild admiring at 'whatever'. Definetely you will achieve it to some level. That's what she told us.

Well, she got what she wanted.....100% of it. And very succesfull too. Ain't our brain wonderful!

I'll leave the rest to you guys.......dream on...........................:1thumbup:

marvin1997 12th May 2009 06:42 PM

Re: Dream
ooh....So you stare at a picture and you'll dream it?But won't your head hurt the next day?What about making new mutations of Vfts?

atmccmn 13th May 2009 10:57 PM

Re: Dream
.....Then you have to think harder how to mutate it!....perhaps some gamma / beta rays. Hey some of the forum members are in medical line! *biggrin2*:2thumbup:

spark 31st May 2009 03:13 PM

Re: Dream
I have two plant dreams.

One is to have an actual house, not an apartment, where I will turn most of the yard into one huge garden. No boring grass here, it'll all be beds of flowers and veggies and other interesting things. :)

As far as CPs go, all I want is for my d. regia and my darlingtonia to survive, and for me to someday be able to keep a heliamphora alive. :D I'm not really after a huge collection. Just a few really nice specimens.

marvin1997 1st June 2009 03:39 PM

Re: Dream
Powersensor, a biting garden?Spark, I want that too.I live in a condo though.Considering to get some lamp to reden my Akai ryu. And a air-con room for Darlintonias, Heliamphoras and other highland CPs.Maybe some walking plants.I would like a mini Triffid if they existed.Hehheh.......

spark 1st June 2009 04:33 PM

Re: Dream
A biting garden sounds fun. I love growing my own food, so in my garden there would be lots of fruit and vegetables. And a few flowers, why not? But plenty of carnivores too, of course! Lots of sars. I wouldn't mind having all the sars species. Getting all the hybrids and cultivars is impossible, and I'm not really that set on getting all the species, but at the rate I'm going now I'll probably end up with most of them. They grow really well outdoors here.

simpang1 1st June 2009 11:05 PM

Re: Dream
genetically modified nepenthes, especially highlander, so that all neps can grow well in all condition despite humidity, sunlight and temperature. any people or student here want to take this dream as his/her thesis title? *biggrin2*

marvin1997 2nd June 2009 02:01 PM

Re: Dream
Walking Vft or something that you can take for a walk.

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