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sooxiwei 22nd November 2009 04:41 AM

plants that goes with nep
hi to all, after seeing many awesome nep picture since joining, I saw a lot of other form of plant that grow on the nep pot as well, many says that most of it are not good for the nep, but it happens to be a good complement to the nep as an extra deco like live sphagnum moss, I would like to know more about plants that members have been growing on nep pot, do not hesitate to tell the type of plants that complement your nep:smile:

rsivertsen 22nd November 2009 09:40 AM

Re: plants that goes with nep
I have several Utrics and Dros that become weeds and invade the Nepenthes pots; they don't really compete with the Nepenthes, so I don't really mind. Mosses also seem to appear spontaneously as do several ferns, but depending on what ferns they are, I'll pull out those that can get very big and out grow the Nepenthes. I used to grow some Lycopodiums with Nepenthes as many seem to grow with them in the wild, but haven't had the chance to do that again recently. - Rich

Robert 22nd November 2009 10:05 AM

Re: plants that goes with nep
I use local moss associated with neps as decoration. In the wild neps are found to grow on moss pads so no they are not harmful and yes, as you say, they complement each other.

Ferns tend to make their home on neps pots which i trim off when overgrown. Their roots open up the media which encourage aeration and drainage which is useful for neps.

kentosaurs 22nd November 2009 03:25 PM

Re: plants that goes with nep
Though ferns aren't really that bad but i dun really like them....I trim most of them when they reach a certain size...Also i was repotting the other day and i was trying to remove a bit of the old media but cos of many fern roots the media is a bit hard and tough

sooxiwei 22nd November 2009 05:42 PM

Re: plants that goes with nep
any idea what species of moss or fern? thanks:smile:

Vincent 23rd November 2009 08:29 AM

Re: plants that goes with nep
I think the best plant "decorators" are succulents. They are kinda like cacti, so right now they are flowering =) There are tons of different kinds of them, they are easy to grow, and you can find them at lowes, home depot, etc. and they will be by the poor little boxed CP's. I have this really really spikey one, and it resonded well when i moved it in with my plants. I think i will divide it and plant one of the babies in a nep. pot.

Vincent 23rd November 2009 08:30 AM

Re: plants that goes with nep
the flowers look like pink flamingo heads =p

rsivertsen 23rd November 2009 09:07 AM

Re: plants that goes with nep
Well, the problem with growing cacti and succulents with Nepenthes is that Nepenthes do best in higher humidity which can cause cacti and succulents some problems, as these plants grow best in low humidity and arid conditions. Tillandsias are fairly common in Nepenthes collections along with other Bromeliads, ferns and Lycopodiums, all of which love high humidity conditions. - Rich

kentosaurs 23rd November 2009 09:25 AM

Re: plants that goes with nep
I have this furry spiked cactus and it has been with me for about 3 years now....It came even earlier than i started CPs and now it multiplied and cover the whole sursace of the pot...Its VIGOROUS!

Growing side by side with my cps..

marvin1997 3rd December 2009 10:55 PM

Re: plants that goes with nep

Originally Posted by Vincent (Post 23134)
I think the best plant "decorators" are succulents. They are kinda like cacti, so right now they are flowering =) There are tons of different kinds of them, they are easy to grow, and you can find them at lowes, home depot, etc. and they will be by the poor little boxed CP's. I have this really really spikey one, and it resonded well when i moved it in with my plants. I think i will divide it and plant one of the babies in a nep. pot.

Erm we don't have llowes or death cubes in Malaysia

Boris 4th December 2009 12:29 AM

Re: plants that goes with nep
I think utricularias are good to grow them in one pot with a nepenthes. I've tried this with U. alpina together with N. khasiana and N. truncata and U. sandersonii. It worked good so far. I've got the hope that the utris will catch thrips which I've got here sometimes. Here is a foto of the little truncata with the sandersonii (unfortunately not flowering):

Vincent 6th December 2009 03:12 PM

Re: plants that goes with nep

Originally Posted by marvin1997 (Post 23492)
Erm we don't have llowes or death cubes in Malaysia

And apparently nothing smart to say either. Cacti and succulents are native to dry arid climates like deserts, but right now it is the rain season for them, and they are in full flower. So move any cacti from your living room and put it with your CP collection. My pot of succulents have been with my plants for about 1 month. They are flowering. Make sure and move them back when summer hits.

sooxiwei 6th December 2009 05:56 PM

Re: plants that goes with nep
interesting, at least now i got an idea of what to grow on those empty surface of my nep pot:smile:

Vincent 11th December 2009 11:57 PM

Re: plants that goes with nep
well i dont know if u can grow this in the same pot, but a spider plant really looks good in a seperate pot by your nepenthes. they produce runners in the air, which have little baby spider plants all over them, complemented by little white flowers that remind me of fly trap flowers. My grandma had one, and i just snapped a little baby off and stuck him in my jacket till i got home. year later, this thing is bigger than grandmas, and has taken a liking to my nepenthes grow room. I find that every plant i put in that room likes it better than the kitchen window...kinda funny. Except for the orchid thats in there right now, its slowly dying lololol

caseyhoo 12th December 2009 12:16 AM

Re: plants that goes with nep
2 Attachment(s)
For my case, I grow the below with my sarracenia, VFT. I think it suppose will doing well with nepenthes. Not really sure, since I havent try that.

Attachment 2947
Attachment 2948

Vincent 12th December 2009 12:24 AM

Re: plants that goes with nep
r u sure those are VFT? the flower stalk is spindly and holds only one flower

caseyhoo 12th December 2009 12:34 AM

Re: plants that goes with nep

Originally Posted by Vincent (Post 23922)
r u sure those are VFT? the flower stalk is spindly and holds only one flower

That green plant (with attena ;)) that grow at bottom of sarracenia is not VFT. It is famous aquatic plant. And it growing nicely at my sarracenia and VFT pots.

Vincent 12th December 2009 12:38 AM

Re: plants that goes with nep
the leaves remind me of a certain butterwort, but i cant pin it.

sooxiwei 12th December 2009 08:00 PM

Re: plants that goes with nep
hi kc, what sort of aquatic plant is it?

caseyhoo 13th December 2009 01:05 AM

Re: plants that goes with nep

Originally Posted by sooxiwei (Post 23939)
hi kc, what sort of aquatic plant is it?

It is common Eriocaulon sp. that can find at local river side.:smile:

alienfx 26th December 2009 02:42 PM

Re: plants that goes with nep
These plants and some fern grow together with my neps.I guess the wind brought the spores.

marvin1997 26th December 2009 03:32 PM

Re: plants that goes with nep
Oh I hate weeds

Vincent 27th December 2009 06:46 PM

Re: plants that goes with nep
gives it character

NepNut 28th December 2009 08:32 PM

Re: plants that goes with nep
I got this appeared out of no where... I think it looks nice :laugh:

Vincent 29th December 2009 12:19 AM

Re: plants that goes with nep
almost looks like club moss

jixxxs 29th December 2009 07:56 PM

Re: plants that goes with nep

Originally Posted by alienfx (Post 24612)
These plants and some fern grow together with my neps.I guess the wind brought the spores.

Hate to say this but i think those are just plain ol weeds. Have lots of them growing in my driveway.

jixxxs 29th December 2009 07:59 PM

Re: plants that goes with nep

Originally Posted by NepNut (Post 24693)
I got this appeared out of no where... I think it looks nice :laugh:

Wow... now that looks like an exotic fern... cool man... can i have some..?

NepNut 29th December 2009 08:47 PM

Re: plants that goes with nep

Originally Posted by jixxxs (Post 24722)
Wow... now that looks like an exotic fern... cool man... can i have some..?

Sorry but I don't have many to spare as it just occur in one pot. I'll try to grow more of it... :smile:

jixxxs 29th December 2009 11:12 PM

Re: plants that goes with nep

Originally Posted by NepNut (Post 24724)
Sorry but I don't have many to spare as it just occur in one pot. I'll try to grow more of it... :smile:

Hahaha.... no worries. Ferns seem to be able to 'pop' out of nowhere. Any idea how they propagate..?

NepNut 30th December 2009 01:20 PM

Re: plants that goes with nep

Originally Posted by jixxxs (Post 24728)
Hahaha.... no worries. Ferns seem to be able to 'pop' out of nowhere. Any idea how they propagate..?

No idea bro... but I think cuttings should work for moss. Will test it soon... *biggrin2*

paphioboy 30th December 2009 01:30 PM

Re: plants that goes with nep
alienfx, those 2 weeds in your pots are my worst enemy. They root very well and have very big root systems which may result in competition with your neps. I suggest hand plucking them out.

Nepnut, that is a clubmoss/peacock fern (Selaginella sp). Its a rock growing relative of ferns. Can see it commonly if you go hiking, near shady places. The leaves of some species turn metallic blue if kept in deep shade. Easy to propagate and grow by cuttings. Use well drained soil.

NepNut 30th December 2009 01:57 PM

Re: plants that goes with nep

Originally Posted by paphioboy (Post 24757)
Nepnut, that is a clubmoss/peacock fern (Selaginella sp). Its a rock growing relative of ferns. Can see it commonly if you go hiking, near shady places. The leaves of some species turn metallic blue if kept in deep shade. Easy to propagate and grow by cuttings. Use well drained soil.

Thanks for the ID paphioboy, I also have the metallic blue form but I ended up plucking them away since they're so vigorous with big roots and eventually cover everything up... So far the green form are more delicate and slower growing with small statue/form.

Vincent 3rd January 2010 04:47 PM

Re: plants that goes with nep
they will grow very well in pots of neps, and like the medium well drained with no standing water.

marvin1997 3rd January 2010 06:33 PM

Re: plants that goes with nep
OKay now I hate those ferns on my vfts pot...I was taking them out of their pt for fridge dormancy and the fern's root is so strong that I used scissors to cut them off

Vincent 5th January 2010 07:50 AM

Re: plants that goes with nep
yea, they grow out of sidewalks here where i live. very strong weeds they r lol

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