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sooxiwei 20th May 2009 03:35 PM

D. Spatulata drying up
hi to all, I have a drosera spatulata that stop producing dew about a week ago, even new leaves, it looks dried now, about 2 weeks ago, it suddenly looks good with much dew and more redish compare to before, what could have happen? Thanks

David 20th May 2009 04:32 PM

Re: D. Spatulata drying up
Perhaps it could be the heat wave that we have been experiencing in Malaysia.

Would be great if you can tell us more about yoru daily routine with yoru spat, where it si placed or whether there is changes to it's cultivation environment. Let us know if you changed the water source that you are using to owater your spat, etc.

plantlover 20th May 2009 06:30 PM

Re: D. Spatulata drying up
I think its the weather. Spatulata are easy plants. I let mine dried up twice and submerged in water once and it still survives.

marvin1997 20th May 2009 06:36 PM

Re: D. Spatulata drying up
The D.Adalae I got from cbkhoon also dried up(old leaves) when I got it.The new leaves have dews,though.I think they are red because of the glands that produce dew.Old leaf no red no dew;New leaf got red got dew.

funkychips 21st May 2009 01:11 AM

Re: D. Spatulata drying up
Hi C Way,
I've also experienced this 'dryness' with my Droseras. It seems that the past few days the weather is breezeless and cloudy. The dews are not forming well at all, except for paradoxa and intermedia cuba.


sooxiwei 21st May 2009 01:12 AM

Re: D. Spatulata drying up
thanks to your respond, I place it in my garden, on top of a styrofoam box with aquatic plant in it, watering with same water source, have place there for about 3 to 4 months since I get it together with another ping, so far no problem with it, but it just gone abnormal lately

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