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winterkid 16th April 2011 06:24 PM

TC question
i would like to have someone teach me more about tc ....
i just wan to know the mixture for their medium and where can i get the ingerdients....?
pls discribe the ingerdients more........because i may not understand.......
i saw the web and found
its salt for neps but can it be used for vfts?
i really need step by step guide on TC medium*biggrin2*
where do i get MS?????

tzestan 16th April 2011 10:15 PM

Re: TC question
I have no experience in tc.
You can check with Quicklab in Batu Lanchang. I used to buy reagent grade chemical salts there. Mixing MS from component salts is tricky. Probably they have MS. I'll PM you their contact.

Harris Azariel 16th April 2011 10:22 PM

Re: TC question
Tan,PM me their contact info also!!


winterkid 17th April 2011 02:53 PM

Re: TC question
what about Tc vessels...and sterlizing equepments???? where to find?*biggrin2*

edwardyeeks 17th April 2011 05:31 PM

Re: TC question
I'll be honest with you guys, I've heard that TC is quite hard to do. Even setting up TC materials can be troublesome and kinda expensive. A few members here do it, but most don't because it requires a depth of knowledge to actually do TC. But it's no harm done if you guys are willing to try. Good luck! :smile:

allenphoon 17th April 2011 07:35 PM

Re: TC question
From what i know, if you really willing to start TC, you will have to bear some problems

1)scolded by your mom or your wife(you need to use pressure cooker-to kill germ, etc)
2)pay lots of electrical bills( you will need artificial light instead of natural life as they are keep in vessel)
3)space(you will have to set up a completely no germ/microorganism condition for tc preparation/separation)
4)distilled water(just as the ingredient)

If you are a student, it is not advisable as it cost a lot and require long patience

Harris Azariel 17th April 2011 07:50 PM

Re: TC question
haha yes that might happen.

But i surely wont be trying it(if i want to try) now since im now very busy with studying for my PMR soon.

tzestan 17th April 2011 08:28 PM

Re: TC question
The cheapest startup cost should be a few hundreds. Not too useful for small scale grower. More for learnings I believe.

Bear in mind some chemical substances are hazardous. I wouldn't recommend those haven't been trained in chemistry (till around STPM) to play with it without guidance.

winterkid 17th April 2011 09:18 PM

Re: TC question
agreed. Scolding by my mom cant be avoided.....there is a hall that is ideal for a 0bacthria area because there is not much air flow......building a lab wil b my after pmr project.....

Originally Posted by allenphoon (Post 45780)
From what i know, if you really willing to start TC, you will have to bear some problems

1)scolded by your mom or your wife(you need to use pressure cooker-to kill germ, etc)
2)pay lots of electrical bills( you will need artificial light instead of natural life as they are keep in vessel)
3)space(you will have to set up a completely no germ/microorganism condition for tc preparation/separation)
4)distilled water(just as the ingredient)

If you are a student, it is not advisable as it cost a lot and require long patience

winterkid 17th April 2011 09:21 PM

Re: TC question
And I am going to start a praying mantis terrarium this comming school holiday. . . .
Any species to recommend? And where do I get the mantis?

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