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NepNut 20th June 2010 11:03 PM

Re: repotting northiana
I found northiana is very sensitive to root shock (fr transplant or repotting) and it will take a while to recover for it. So please take great care to minimized root distrubance like what Robert suggested.

kevyn chan 21st June 2010 10:53 AM

Re: repotting northiana
i couldn't deny much that it is indeed a nice plant you have there, Robert :1thumbup:.....and it is real SLOW grower.......:laugh:

sooxiwei 21st June 2010 11:50 AM

Re: repotting northiana

Originally Posted by kevyn chan (Post 30129)
i couldn't deny much that it is indeed a nice plant you have there, Robert :1thumbup:.....and it is real SLOW grower.......:laugh:

I have one from a hobbyist living nearby few months ago, growing very fast, but the size remain the same...

kevyn chan 21st June 2010 02:53 PM

Re: repotting northiana

Originally Posted by sooxiwei (Post 30132)
I have one from a hobbyist living nearby few months ago, growing very fast, but the size remain the same...

yeah...i know what you meant.....growing leaves and minute pitchers but size does not imcrease or growing out from the pot...hahahahha:tongue:

kentosaurs 21st June 2010 07:22 PM

Re: repotting northiana
I'm just happy that my northiana is starting to grow leaves

edwardyeeks 21st June 2010 10:24 PM

Re: repotting northiana
I can tell you that if you are simply careless when repotting your north, it'll die out of root damage. Northiana is actually quite hardy when it comes to other factors. My first northiana of this year died because i ripped away half the roots, foolish me! But now, my second one is starting to thrive. A young northiana takes a week to adapt to new conditions(without repotting), from my point of view. And for me, northiana doesn't grow new leaves slowly, it just slow in increasing size. My northiana before put up a new leaf every fortnight, it surprised me. Of course, over watering caused it's death......

My current north is starting to thrive! Can't wait for it to put on the beautiful pitchers :smile:

paphioboy 22nd June 2010 02:06 PM

Re: repotting northiana
I agree with edward.. It does grow somewhat ok (not too vigorous), but increases in size at a snail's pace. Also very finicky about humidity when it comes to pitchering..

kevyn chan 22nd June 2010 04:03 PM

Re: repotting northiana
wow....amazing! new leave every feorwertyne niht! thats fast.....*biggrin2*

NepNut 22nd June 2010 04:19 PM

Re: repotting northiana
Most of my northiana are growing slowly but surely, as paphioboy pointed out, it's very sensitive to humidity. :sweating:

I wouldn't say northiana is hard to grow (is an LL nep species anyway) but you need to have a lot of patience for it to grow a considerable size... Aren't good things always come to those who wait?? *biggrin2*

kevyn chan 22nd June 2010 04:40 PM

Re: repotting northiana

Originally Posted by NepNut (Post 30194)
Most of my northiana are growing slowly but surely but as paphioboy pointed out, it's very sensitive humidity. :sweating:

I wouldn't say northiana is hard to grow (is an LL nep species anyway) but you need to have a lot of patience for it to grow a a considerable size... Aren't good things always come to those who wait?? *biggrin2*


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