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Vincent 3rd November 2009 01:13 PM

Greetings from the NW!
hey, my name is Vin[for short]i am 19, and i live in couer d'alene,ID, which is in the NW part of the US. Currently, i have a lot of plants:smile:which i love very much. i have fly traps:dente, cupped, red dragon, and normal varieties.Sundews: cape sundews[2 many] lanced leafed, and kennyl,which is like pulcifera. pitcher plants:dont have alot of these, but i have hooded,purple, and yellow pitcher plants and a couple of X catesbai hybrids.1 butterwort, penguicula medusina, or the medusa butterwort. My collection is really only a collection due to my last genus of cp's i grow and propagate;the nepenthes. Now hopefully tomarrow i will write down what i have, so all of you have an idea of what i carry. all in all i have about a little over 60 nepenthes, thats roughly counting there shoots, and the babies i have cut off. The only nepenthes i have alot of is nepenthes sanguinea,(1 momma and 6 babies!) and if you go to my page and look at some of the pics i have u will see what i mean.I hope in the near future i can have buddies 2 trade back and forth with to broaded our ever growing collections, and also 2 meet all of you that have the same passion as i do. I hope to hear from ya's and happy growing!

David 3rd November 2009 01:32 PM

Re: Greetings from the NW!
Welcome onboard PetPicther Vin! Would be great to see pictures of your collection and hope to learn from you as well. Do share with us your cultivation tips and experience. Hope you will also benefit from the discussion here as well.

Advertisement time :)

If you do not know yet, we have a Nepenthes Database project going on in the Nepenthes category board. We need member's contribution to make this work. Do share your knowledge and experience there. Also we have recently started a Seed Bank for the benefit of members. Do check out the Seed Bank and see if you can contribute to the program.

plantlover 3rd November 2009 04:36 PM

Re: Greetings from the NW!
Welcome to Petpitcher.

caseyhoo 5th November 2009 07:50 AM

Re: Greetings from the NW!
Welcome to PP!!!

marvin1997 5th November 2009 06:07 PM

Re: Greetings from the NW!
Welcome to petpitcher!

Vincent 5th November 2009 06:18 PM

Re: Greetings from the NW!
sorry, still havent written down the names of my nepenthes...i work alot, so it might be a steady work in progress lol:spinning:

paphioboy 5th November 2009 10:30 PM

Re: Greetings from the NW!
Hi and welcome to PP :) You sure can grow a lot of stuff over there, especially intermediate and highland species..

Vincent 6th November 2009 08:04 PM

Re: Greetings from the NW!
i actually grow any kind i want, because i acclimate all of my plants slowly to my growing environment

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