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David 6th November 2008 06:48 PM

Sunggestion and Feedback on PetPitcher
Ok fellow CPers... I would like to hear from all of you any feedback or suggestion you may have on this forum and how to improve it further for everyone's benefit. Let me know if there are new boards that you would like to have etc.


kentosaurs 6th November 2008 07:12 PM

Re: Sunggestion and Feedback on PetPitcher
Hi David

Hmmm well since some of here are begginers are growing nepenthes or any other CPs maybe troubleshooting for begginers which can be change to another name.And also maybe just maybe somthing like.....

Nepenthes species (after you click it)

Well just an example after you clikc it which will lead to more links.And after you click any of these species you will be move to threads of whichever species you choose.Not nessecerily just nepenthes.

Nepenthes sumtrana
Nepenthes truncata
Nepenthes ampullaria
Nepenthes mirabilis.

And maybe even to common hybrids like

Nepenthes ventrata
Nepenthes miranda

Or another way is hybrids that has traits of all these species so when you clik either of the species you will se threads of hybrids which has that species in it and info about those hybrids which are threads from members.


And so on hehehe.


David 6th November 2008 10:50 PM

Re: Sunggestion and Feedback on PetPitcher
Are you talking about a whole section for beginners? Boards for every species as a info or resource archive? I am already working on a survey for this purpose. IT will be a Q & A sort of thing. Members can contribute to the survey and etc. There was a thread in the Nepenthes board on this. Here

eric_sow 7th November 2008 12:24 AM

Re: Sunggestion and Feedback on PetPitcher
David, tillandia section look dead... need some fertilizer.

kentosaurs 7th November 2008 12:51 AM

Re: Sunggestion and Feedback on PetPitcher
Hi David

That is something like it and will be very least i think so...What i originally had in mind was like this.

You can see at the top below nepenthes is nepenthes species archive and nepenthes hybrid archive.


arvin555 7th November 2008 11:25 AM

Re: Sunggestion and Feedback on PetPitcher
Hi David,

Though not an important part of the forum, I noticed that non carnivorous plant topic has been relocated at the bottom, this is fine, but is it possible to rename the "enter" link to "Non carnivorous plants" and if possible colored the same colored font as the rest? I sort of got lost when I was looking for the topic because the "enter" link was colored Grey. Unless this was done to lower the number of non CP posts?


David 7th November 2008 12:17 PM

Re: Sunggestion and Feedback on PetPitcher

Originally Posted by eric_sow (Post 7132)
David, tillandia section look dead... need some fertilizer.

Hi Eric. the "fertiliser" for the Tills section needs to come from members. I can only do so much and there are members out there who are more experienced than me or has more knowledge. If members do not contribute, the forum would be dead.

David 7th November 2008 12:45 PM

Re: Sunggestion and Feedback on PetPitcher

Originally Posted by arvin555 (Post 7144)
Hi David,

Though not an important part of the forum, I noticed that non carnivorous plant topic has been relocated at the bottom, this is fine, but is it possible to rename the "enter" link to "Non carnivorous plants" and if possible colored the same colored font as the rest? I sort of got lost when I was looking for the topic because the "enter" link was colored Grey. Unless this was done to lower the number of non CP posts?


Hi Arvin! Thanks for the feedback. The changes has been done!

The reason why I place the boards hidden because I have increased the number of boards in the non-cp section and I intend to expand the non-cp boards further in the hope that members would have more non-cp posts there. If I make it appear infront together with the rest of the CP boards it might slow download time (for members with dial-ups or bad internet line) as the forum front page would be very long and heavy. This would also stress the server that PetPitcher is on if alot of members login at a time.

Eventhough I intend to have more non-cp boards and posts, this is still a CP forum. As such the front page must show that or our forum would end up having no theme or subject matter.

David 7th November 2008 12:50 PM

Re: Sunggestion and Feedback on PetPitcher

Originally Posted by kentosaurs (Post 7134)
Hi David

That is something like it and will be very least i think so...What i originally had in mind was like this.

You can see at the top below nepenthes is nepenthes species archive and nepenthes hybrid archive.


Hi Ken. Thanks for your feedback. I'll think about it.

arvin555 8th November 2008 03:13 AM

Re: Sunggestion and Feedback on PetPitcher
David, Thanks I noticed the change already.

One other thing, I wonder if the Non CP section is included when one clicks on the "new posts" link. I now make it a habit to click on that, but for some reason I think that Non CP section is not included in the search for "new posts". Wonder if it is okay to include them or not? I think the new post feature is really nice and convinient by the way.


David 8th November 2008 01:46 PM

Re: Sunggestion and Feedback on PetPitcher

The non cps boards are already included in the search for "new posts". I think it's because lately not many post on the boards for non-cps. Anyhow, I'll double check to make sure.

By the way, I am planing to revamp all the boards in the non-CP section to organise it and make it more complete. So watch out for it! :)

marvin1997 8th November 2008 11:22 PM

Re: Sunggestion and Feedback on PetPitcher
Hi David,

Why don't stat something about how the CPs catch bugs?Like a simple description about the CP?

David 9th November 2008 12:12 AM

Re: Sunggestion and Feedback on PetPitcher

Originally Posted by marvin1997 (Post 7216)
Hi David,

Why don't stat something about how the CPs catch bugs?Like a simple description about the CP?

That's already been done on the main homepage ie. Check out the horizontal navigation bar just below the masshead. Each genus is represented there and in each of that section is an introduction and description, how they capture insects and where they are found. Each section also has an archive of articles written from my own experience and that of members the forum.

At the moment I am a little back dated with the articles, but as and when I have time to go through the boards, collate the information from the discussions and write articles on it, I'll post more. Members can also volunteer to write articles to be posted on the archive section.

Thanks for participating in this discussion to improve the forum.

David 18th November 2008 10:30 AM

Re: Sunggestion and Feedback on PetPitcher
From the thread N. ampullaria site revisited, I realised there's quite a few conservationist in our midst.

I would like to know if all of you would be interested in having a board on conservation news and issues. Members can talk about conservation, life events hapening in our respective countries etc.

Other members and guest who read what we write in this board will be more informed about the issues and in turn this might encourage each individual to consider the environement in our daily living.

David 18th November 2008 10:34 AM

Re: Sunggestion and Feedback on PetPitcher
However, to do this I need members to help input in the board articles from newspapers etc. Perhaps if some of you can volunteer to be moderators in this board or take charge of it, that would be great.

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