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Richard Hole 13th February 2010 01:23 AM

Drosera Adelae seed and growing problem.

My Drosera Adelae has been flowering and the flowers have dried to the point that they could produce seed. However, when I crushed the dried pods over some paper, the fragments were not of a consistent size and shape so there may not have been any seed. This seems likely because at I read that “In culture I don't know a person which got seed after flowering” What are the chances that the pods could contain seed and how could I find out apart from trying to grow them? I thought if I could find a photo of the seeds on the Internet I could have a look through a microscope at the fragments to see if any of them are seed.

On another matter my Drosera Adelae was growing very well during the recent spell of rainy weather. However, recently I repotted the plant and split it up into 4 plants which formed in the pot. However, the weather became warmer and dryer and the plants now appear to be dying as even the younger leaves on them are wilting and there are no sticky droplets on the leaves any more. I recently put the plants in a terrarium and cut the flowers and some of the leaves off. My plants have been growing in a greenhouse under white solarweave plastic that cuts out 50% of the sun and light. I am in the process of installing a misting system which should produce fog like droplets that should not significantly wet the leaves but provide humidity in the hot dry weather. Is there anything else I could do to get the plants to grow well again?

I live in the tropics on the Atherton Tableland's at 757 meters altitude near Cairns.

Your help would be appreciated,
Regards Richard.

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