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malowie 28th August 2008 01:02 PM

help me repot this nepenthes!

okay.. can someone please tell whether i should just move it into a new pot, or break it up into tinier plants.

Tarence 28th August 2008 01:55 PM

Re: help me repot this nepenthes!
i would move it into separate pots but untangling the clump might snap a few pitchers unless you are very very careful.

is this a tissue culture clump ? is it separate individual plants or one single plant but snipped so it is now branching out ?

alienfx 28th August 2008 02:08 PM

Re: help me repot this nepenthes!
Simple thing.Just put the pot into a pail of water for 10-30 mins.Let the soil/moss sock water.Then you can seperate the plants easily.Becareful of the when seperating the roots.Usually it will be tangled.Its ok if u break 1 or 2 tendrils as it will grow many more in the future.

You can cover them with flint plastic bag for few weeks if you want them to recover fast.

Its ur choice how many plants you want in a pot.If you plant 1 plant per pot later you no need to do many repots.If many plants in 1 pot then you may need to do many repots when the plants keep outgrowing the pot.If its just a single plant then just move it into a bigger pot.

malowie 28th August 2008 04:37 PM

Re: help me repot this nepenthes!

Originally Posted by Tarence (Post 3040)
i would move it into separate pots but untangling the clump might snap a few pitchers unless you are very very careful.

is this a tissue culture clump ? is it separate individual plants or one single plant but snipped so it is now branching out ?

its tissue cultured. got it from MAHA.. so i dun know whether its growing out from one plant or there are a few plants inside.

oh yeah. and another thing. im not sure whether to grow it again from cutting derived from this plant.. hmm...

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