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TranMinh 28th June 2009 08:16 PM

experiment fertilizer in nepenthes
Hi guy,
I hear a lot of grower fertilizer nepenthes so I started to fertilizer nepenthes and flytrap seeding. And went I visited BE gallery I saw something interesting. *biggrin2* Guess what is this.
( This picture origin from BE ).

And this is my experiment:
Flytrap seeding *biggrin2* which one is fertilizer ? Do you know ?

Nepenthes Ventrata

Some information:
Fertilizer type: Fish Emulsion ( 1/3 streng I will try to experiment more )
Light 50%
Humid: around 50 - 70%.

NepNut 28th June 2009 09:34 PM

Re: Nepenthes Fertilizer
Hi Minh,
You have eyes of an eagle... *biggrin2*

Those are slow release fertilizer like Osmocote or etc. I've been using them with no ill effect to the neps. Other fertilizer like fish emulsion and seaweed extract can be use if diluted, like what you have done.

From my personal experience, if you apply the fertilizer on the media, it will eventually get mushy, slimy and smelly caused by the growth of algae or blue green algae. If you spray it, you'll less likely to encounter the same problem.

According to some, the fertilizer can be more effective if apply to the root zone compare to foliar application. I guess you can experiment on that... *biggrin2* Good luck and thanks for sharing your results.

David 29th June 2009 09:54 AM

Re: Nepenthes Fertilizer
Haa, haa... that also you can spot, all those small slow release fertilisers on BE's plants.

TranMinh 29th June 2009 10:49 AM

Re: Nepenthes Fertilizer
*biggrin2* Hi,
The flytrap which more trap have fertilizer. :smile: So fertilizer effect in root make the root grow more than the not fertilizer ( experiment with nepenthes the plant with the leaf smaller don't have enough root ) and the plant was fertilizer root grow more. I will take a picture of the root :1thumbup:.
lol I spent time to watch picture of CPs for how they grow only a few thing in picture can make me find some thing new.

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