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marvin1997 2nd September 2009 06:26 PM

Re: Betta!
3 Attachment(s)

lastly, sorry to tell you that, some how you are con...rm20 for this fella, well not the market value of it:closedeyes:
Oh....Then I could pick them out of the road?
Tries to take it's pic again....keep swimming aroud,sorry for the really low quality pictures:Attachment 2255

Attachment 2256

Attachment 2257

sooxiwei 2nd September 2009 07:10 PM

Re: Betta!
well, the third picture speak best, it's a super delta with crowntail gene, nowadays, normal fish shop will take it as long tail fighter, that means it's worth is around rm2 only, some fish shop do want to con as they tell you this and that...I encounter similar problem when I first started, lucky enough to skip those trouble as it's way out of my budget during those time...

since you already get it, take good care of it, you will usually learn a lesson or two by keeping it before you move foward, good luck with it:smile:

cbkhoon 5th September 2009 05:13 PM

Re: Betta!
looking at those pictures, reminding me of my childhood moments,,, catching betta and other fishes at a abandoned construction site, which turned into a small lake. I used to catch betta for fun with many friends after school session, i got more than 200 betta at home until my mum scolded me to let go them back into the lake.

but the lake is no more there now...

funkychips 5th September 2009 09:45 PM

Re: Betta!
marvin, if you ever decide to get another one, try halfmoon plakat (HMPK) or regular plakat, they are more resistant and more active.
btw your dragon insignia for the tank background very nice lehhh...!! *biggrin2*

kentosaurs 5th September 2009 11:06 PM

Re: Betta!
Cmmon betta taste the FURY OF MY!!!!!! goldfish lol....Look at it...Its giving your betta the "death stare" hahaha joking oni hehhe nice fish marvin

marvin1997 6th September 2009 09:33 AM

Re: Betta!

Originally Posted by funkychips (Post 20245)
marvin, if you ever decide to get another one, try halfmoon plakat (HMPK) or regular plakat, they are more resistant and more active.
btw your dragon insignia for the tank background very nice lehhh...!! *biggrin2*

The aquarium cost me RM30!!So where to get plakat?They're short tailed,right?
Ken:your gold fish is very cute!

sooxiwei 6th September 2009 02:48 PM

Re: Betta!
cbkhoon, I still cann't believe I'm doing similar thing that you do during your childhood, as recent as this year, hahaha*biggrin2*

lol kent, cute fella you got:1thumbup:
marvin, can try get from breeder(fellow hobbylist) around, usually cheaper for you as you are still young, schooling and new to this hobby, just need to know the right person:smile:

marvin1997 8th September 2009 08:29 PM

Re: Betta!
It formed some bubbles on top.....Should I clear it out?

sooxiwei 8th September 2009 09:04 PM

Re: Betta!
it's an indication of it's health actually, don't clear it, if it build bubble, it's building it's nest(they breed and place the eggs in the bubble), that means it's healthy:1thumbup:

marvin1997 8th September 2009 09:27 PM

Re: Betta!
But it's a male?

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