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David 2nd July 2008 10:48 AM

PetPitcher Resident Geek!
Dear Members,

Just want to introduce to you my brother, the "techi" expert, who has worked very hard helping us set up PetPitcher forum and website in the past 2-3 weeks. He's the guy behind all the technical stuff and programming.

I just concentrate on the design ideas and functionality of the forum, including the promotional part of the forum.

Do give him a warm welcome and say "hi" to him here. His name is Chee Eng.

Amelie.Poulain 2nd July 2008 12:11 PM

Re: PetPitcher Resident Geek!
Welcome Chee Eng, thank you so much for making this whole dream come true.

Has the CP bug bitten you yet?

TS 2nd July 2008 01:29 PM

Re: PetPitcher Resident Geek!
Hi Chee Eng,

I've heard David mentioned your name many times, but haven't had a chance to meet you, thanks so much on the effort you put in to make all this happened, it's a great job indeed. You deserved a big round of applause!!! Clap..... :1thumbup::2thumbup:
Yea, wonder if you got bitten by the cp bug yet??? :tongue:


tan_ce 2nd July 2008 03:15 PM

Re: PetPitcher Resident Geek!
Hello all... Heh... thanks. Truth be told I do enjoying getting all this stuff working which is why I don't mind the work.

Bitten by the CP bug... not really yet. It's kinda difficult to grow stuff in my hostel in Singapore. But when I get my own place next time I probably will.

Glad to see everyone's enjoying the new forum!

caseyhoo 2nd July 2008 03:18 PM

Re: PetPitcher Resident Geek!

Originally Posted by TS (Post 818)
Hi Chee Eng,

I've heard David mentioned your name many times, but haven't had a chance to meet you, thanks so much on the effort you put in to make all this happened, it's a great job indeed. You deserved a big round of applause!!! Clap..... :1thumbup::2thumbup:
Yea, wonder if you got bitten by the cp bug yet??? :tongue:


Thanx for the afford contribute to the forum... Really appreciate it...

Thanx david, and others moderators too...

Robert 2nd July 2008 05:11 PM

Re: PetPitcher Resident Geek!
Hi Chee Eng, it's good to have one like you around. Thanks for your effort.

plantlover 2nd July 2008 05:33 PM

Re: PetPitcher Resident Geek!
Hi Chee Eng, Nice to meet you. Thank you for all your efforts in making this website.

tan_ce 2nd July 2008 08:42 PM

Re: PetPitcher Resident Geek!
Nice to meet you guys too. Keep up the CP growing. The plants look really good.

TS 3rd July 2008 02:12 AM

Re: PetPitcher Resident Geek!
Hey folks, shall we give Chee Eng a stronger dose of the poison since he is still hasn't bitten by the CP bug yet?

edmund83 3rd July 2008 03:36 PM

Re: PetPitcher Resident Geek!
Thanks for the efforts for helping up and make members gather again~~:1thumbup::1thumbup:

we should throw some poison to him .... come on :tongue::tongue::tongue:

edwinclf 4th July 2008 01:17 AM

Re: PetPitcher Resident Geek!
Hi Chee Eng. Thank you for your help making the forum look nice.

edwinclf 4th July 2008 01:20 AM

Re: PetPitcher Resident Geek!
Hi Chee Eng.. Thanks for making this forum GREAT!!!!

tan_ce 4th July 2008 01:57 PM

Re: PetPitcher Resident Geek!
Don't mention it... It's been fun getting the forum and website to work... Just keep this community going strong.


Originally Posted by edmund83 (Post 976)
Thanks for the efforts for helping up and make members gather again~~:1thumbup::1thumbup:

we should throw some poison to him .... come on :tongue::tongue::tongue:

I think either way I'll be getting a stronger dose of the "poison"... :smile:

bactrus 4th July 2008 06:15 PM

Re: PetPitcher Resident Geek!
Tot, I posted a thank you already.

Thank you Chee Eng for contributing your free time here. In for assisting your bro to build a home to house all these poor cp addicts. Least we now have a common area to hatch a plot to poison the rest of the common folks. :closedeyes:

We're gonna poison them all!!! Poison them!!! Muhaha... :veryangry:

tan_ce 5th July 2008 01:10 AM

Re: PetPitcher Resident Geek!

Originally Posted by bactrus (Post 1025)
Tot, I posted a thank you already.

Thank you Chee Eng for contributing your free time here. In for assisting your bro to build a home to house all these poor cp addicts. Least we now have a common area to hatch a plot to poison the rest of the common folks. :closedeyes:

We're gonna poison them all!!! Poison them!!! Muhaha... :veryangry:

Oh dear... what have I done... :unsure:



bactrus 5th July 2008 06:02 PM

Re: PetPitcher Resident Geek!
Carnivorous Plant World Domination!! Muhaha...

Tarence 9th July 2008 07:02 PM

Re: PetPitcher Resident Geek!
hey there Chee Eng...your initials looks like my name laa. i thot it was me ! anyways, tq heaps for the effort you put in. i think david told me it was like many many hours of hard labour rite ?

rgds, tarence

tan_ce 9th July 2008 09:11 PM

Re: PetPitcher Resident Geek!
...well... my fingers got good exercise... but they usually get exercised anyway...

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