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edwardyeeks 6th October 2011 07:04 PM

Neps Of October
20 Attachment(s)
Here are my nepenthes and a few other plants for the month of October. Enjoy! :tongue:

Attachment 5016
N lowii x campanulata
Attachment 5017
N truncata 'lowland'
Attachment 5018
N truncata x (ventricosa x aristolochioides)
Attachment 5019
N rafflesiana spotted
Attachment 5020
N truncata x veitchii H/L
Attachment 5021
Group shot.
Attachment 5022
N veitchii x platychila
Attachment 5023
N truncata x spectabilis
Attachment 5024
N veitchii 'Hose Mountains'
Attachment 5025
N northiana
Attachment 5026
N glandulifera x boschiana
Attachment 5027
N thorelii x truncata
Attachment 5028
N burbidgeae
Attachment 5029
N xDyeriana
Attachment 5030
N xVentrata
Attachment 5031
Another more colourful N xVentrata pitcher that formed during the cooler months
Attachment 5032
Orchid: need ID
Attachment 5033
Orchid: need ID (I'm guessing both the orchids are the same genus)
Attachment 5034
Orchid #2 flower.
Attachment 5035
VFTs all growing in a pot.

edwardyeeks 6th October 2011 07:07 PM

Re: Neps Of October
2 Attachment(s)
Attachment 5036
VFT typical. MY FINGER!! *biggrin2*
Attachment 5037
VFT 'Akai Ryu'

Got a little bad news though....Casey I'm sorry but the 'Pink Venus' you sent me died during a very hot weather. It withered and the soil was bone dry....:crying:


Tarence 6th October 2011 07:45 PM

Re: Neps Of October
Love your Lowii x campunalata. Btw nice photography as well. Keep it up.

edwardyeeks 6th October 2011 08:02 PM

Re: Neps Of October
Thanks a lot! I recently discovered my digital camera had more abilities than what met my eye at first :tongue: hence, the better photography.

kentosaurs 6th October 2011 08:37 PM

Re: Neps Of October
Nice plants bro :) Very nice...Amazed that burbidgea pitchered...Looks like ur plants are enjoying your new place..Nice lowii x campu too..

Btw u having ur exams now? I'm having mine.. :S headache

edwardyeeks 6th October 2011 08:40 PM

Re: Neps Of October
Yeah, my exams start tomorrow but the important and hard subjects are next week. :spinning:

Not all the highlanders fared well in the heat wave last hamata x platychila suddenly grew smaller and had some slightly deformed pitchers.

jimmy0123 7th October 2011 12:08 PM

Re: Neps Of October
Your are so lucky to grow N. burb, it is one of my favorite. BTW, the orchid belong to genus Dendrobium. Happy growing!!!

kentosaurs 7th October 2011 02:19 PM

Re: Neps Of October
I just finished my hard papers (add maths) :( Nice orchids too i got 2 flowering and 1 coming to flower..

paphioboy 9th October 2011 09:09 AM

Re: Neps Of October
Nice. Both your orchids are dendrobium hybrids. Difficult to get exact ID.

shawnchen 10th October 2011 11:53 PM

Re: Neps Of October
sharing my neps for this month also :)

raff tricolour

dark raffs

pink raffs

my first few raffs, pink from casey :)

shawnchen 10th October 2011 11:59 PM

Re: Neps Of October
amp, dark peristome

red amp

dark amp

kentosaurs 11th October 2011 10:30 AM

Re: Neps Of October
Nice amps :) Particularly like the last 1..

edwardyeeks 11th October 2011 08:02 PM

Re: Neps Of October
Great raffs and amps! :smile:

shawnchen 12th October 2011 01:17 AM

Re: Neps Of October
raffs and amps are my favourite species, no prizes for guessing my favourite hybrid then!

sharing some of my humble hooks..

alata red

peach tricolour


zulteh279 12th October 2011 11:29 PM

Re: Neps Of October
edwardyeeks; nice plants...u r lucky to get N.burb to grow,my's RIP after 8weeks.....

shawnchen; love ur collections....especially ur dark raff... :p

shawnchen 12th October 2011 11:45 PM

Re: Neps Of October
thanks zulteh :)

sharing my truncata

paphioboy 13th October 2011 10:50 AM

Re: Neps Of October
That's an interesting pink truncata. Highland form? Very nice plants all of them... :)

edwardyeeks 13th October 2011 06:40 PM

Re: Neps Of October
Now all you need is some stunning hybrids and other magnificent species to have a visual fireworks, Shawnchen :smile: is your place very hot and humid?

shawnchen 14th October 2011 01:36 AM

Re: Neps Of October

Thanks for the compliments :) What I have are just that few humble plants :) I'm actually not interested in the other species(cos they seem rather difficult to grow, and I'm a cheapo) though I got couple of albos, a north, a gardentech, a dyeriana lowii x camp and clip x clip x eymae and that's about it!

Hot and humid is an understatement!! The 'climate' at my garden gets me perspiring with half an hour!


I have no idea what form that truncata is, the real colour is more towards orange, and it matures to a dark reddish brown colour.. Got it from one of the ulu local nurseries chucked in one corner with a few other truncatas, and this was the only one with full colouration.

shawnchen 14th October 2011 02:51 AM

Re: Neps Of October
This was the raff that got me started, got it from caseyhoo on 4/4/2011 when it was still rather small, then once I moved it outdoors......................

here's when it first came :) casey's packing is fantastic! the plant literally went through no shock at all and contrinued growing as though nothing happened.

David 14th October 2011 09:53 AM

Re: Neps Of October
Edward, your N. lowii x campanulata is beautiful. How do you care for it and what conditions to you give it for it to grow so well?

Shawn! I am in love with your N. rafflesiana 'tricolor'. i can only see a little on the right of the picture, but are the leaves all red? Gorgeous looking form.

shawnchen 14th October 2011 09:55 AM

Re: Neps Of October
Hi David, that's one of the favourites in my collection as well :P the underside of the leaves are all red :)

David 14th October 2011 10:21 AM

Re: Neps Of October

Originally Posted by shawnchen (Post 59591)
Hi David, that's one of the favourites in my collection as well :P the underside of the leaves are all red :)

Nice form.

kentosaurs 14th October 2011 02:18 PM

Re: Neps Of October
Gorgeous Raff! I have a pink raff now about the size when you first got it too. Hope mine grows as nice as yours :)

edwardyeeks 14th October 2011 06:07 PM

Re: Neps Of October
Don't worry shawnchen, once you have gotten the technique, you'll easily be able to grow most other lowland species that are supposedly hard to grow!

David, my house is located right behind a hill and further up, a forest. Thus, the humidity is quite constant though during a hot weather it can get really dry. I find this plant quite a hardy and tolerant hybrid though to get it to pitcher, it needs some humidity and sufficient water. The last time I hung the plant, it aborted 2 pitchers. I grow it in a mixture of burnt earth and peat moss which I really must say is a 'magic media' for almost all species and hybrids of neps. It gets lots of sunlight too, only a 50% shade cloth and a transparent plastic separates the burning direct sunlight from all my neps.

Reminds me when I first got the plant, I almost killed it. :blush: then I returned it to Fauzi and he was very kind to offer another lowii x campa that was the same size but growing healthily. That was 9 months back. I glad to say that my former plant survived in Fauzi's nursery and my current lowii x campa thrives amazingly well! :smile:

edwardyeeks 14th October 2011 07:31 PM

Re: Neps Of October
3 Attachment(s)
Just got these plants today from a very nice forumer! I won't reveal his name unless he agrees :smile:

Attachment 5058
N rafflesiana 'giant form'

Attachment 5059
N veitchii 'Bario Red Striped'

Attachment 5060
And N lowii x campanulata. The peristome gets a red tinge over time from pure green. I find the way the peristome colours up rather random, the red seems to be smeared on the peristome :1thumbup:

Oh, I forgot to mention that the only downfall of burnt earth is that you have to water more frequently when the plant has established its root system well.

shawnchen 15th October 2011 01:34 AM

Re: Neps Of October

Originally Posted by edwardyeeks (Post 59614)
Don't worry shawnchen, once you have gotten the technique, you'll easily be able to grow most other lowland species that are supposedly hard to grow!

David, my house is located right behind a hill and further up, a forest. Thus, the humidity is quite constant though during a hot weather it can get really dry. I find this plant quite a hardy and tolerant hybrid though to get it to pitcher, it needs some humidity and sufficient water. The last time I hung the plant, it aborted 2 pitchers. I grow it in a mixture of burnt earth and peat moss which I really must say is a 'magic media' for almost all species and hybrids of neps. It gets lots of sunlight too, only a 50% shade cloth and a transparent plastic separates the burning direct sunlight from all my neps.

Reminds me when I first got the plant, I almost killed it. :blush: then I returned it to Fauzi and he was very kind to offer another lowii x campa that was the same size but growing healthily. That was 9 months back. I glad to say that my former plant survived in Fauzi's nursery and my current lowii x campa thrives amazingly well! :smile:

Hahha I gotta search harder for that secret technique!!! What I do now when I get my plants is just plonk them in sphagnum moss + perlite and throw them in the garden to let them 自生自灭.. :blush:

shawnchen 15th October 2011 01:43 AM

Re: Neps Of October
some of my other plants..


gracilis red


raff var. elongata

developing pitcher on raff var. alata

edwardyeeks 15th October 2011 04:20 PM

Re: Neps Of October
If you can grow and get northiana to pitcher, you can grow most other lowland nepenthes species....:smile:

shawnchen 16th October 2011 12:20 AM

Re: Neps Of October
North is rather ok for me, although I must admit, the pitchers develop verrrryyyyyyy slowly...

allenphoon 22nd October 2011 09:26 AM

Re: Neps Of October
A few common species from me

N.kuchingnesis hybrid

N.rafflesiana var alata

Seedgrown N.rafflesiana x rowanae

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