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arvin555 13th May 2009 11:53 PM

To Cut or Try to save?
Okay this might come as a weird question, but I'd like to ask everyone's opinion about a theory/question I have about saving Nepenthes.

Nepenthes shows sign of a problem, or several problems, anyone or several of the following:

a. Blackening of the tips.
b. Limp growth tips
c. Woody part catching up to the green vine.
d. Wilting or dried up leaves.
e. damaged roots from transport or repotting


One would assume that the first aid would be to pot or repot with a good medium, then put a humidity hood or cover right?

But I am wondering if one should actually instead of doing first aid, do extreme surgery? Meaning do a cutting on the plant, and treat as a cutting, as in cut the vine, and try to root like a cutting?

I have a few N. Alatas that for some reason, the woody part is catching up to the green part/vine, I have seen that part of the plant die, so now I make it a point to actually cut the green part and try to root it. So far 2 out of 5 is doing okay, 3 died dry.

I have a Gracilis that is maybe 3 feet long, but has a 1.5 foot woody part, now thinking of cutting that, both to propagate, and also to make sure this vine won't go to waste by dying.

I have had a few plants that has heavily damaged roots, from transport (bare root). I have tried potting them and doing "first aid" as above, but 100% of them died. So now thinking, wonder if one cut the woody part and treat as a cutting. I actually have 1 plant that I did this just recently, only a few days old, so too early to tell. At least though the leaves have not yet wilted and dried, compared to those that were potted with the damaged roots.

Will report back, but I think 1 plant is not much of an experiment, would appreciate your opinions and ideas.


paphioboy 14th May 2009 11:30 AM

Re: To Cut or Try to save?
I don't see why that cannot work. Gracilis, alata and ventrata are all strong growers which propagate easily from cuttings. You can even pot several cuttings in the one pot and end up with a bushier plant.

alcran 14th May 2009 12:08 PM

Re: To Cut or Try to save?
To me it seems as though this would not help. The cut would only put stress on the plant. The root zone would aid in the recovery the most. Blackening tips would be from rot, it is probably be too late to save it. Limp leaves are from a lack of water and higher humidity is all that is needed.

arvin555 14th May 2009 12:44 PM

Re: To Cut or Try to save?
Thanks guys, think both of your replies actually answer one of the two parts of question. Paphio's is for cutting the plant against the woody stem, and Alcran's is from the growth tip problem. :)

Alcan, I take it that what you are saying is that if the plant is already stressed, that the cutting will just die anyway if we did a cutting to save it? And as you said that any root will actually help?

One thing, what if the roots are all dried up or cut, would it be easier for the plant to root from a cutting than from the an established but damaged root area? hmmm!


paphioboy 17th May 2009 08:59 AM

Re: To Cut or Try to save?
Damaged roots don't function anyway (or take a long time to heal) so I think its best to start with a healthy fresh cutting and let it produce its own roots. Same case with most other plants which can be propagated from cuttings. If your main plant is only surviving with a small damaged root system, it might suffer from dehydration as there are not enough roots to draw up sufficient water for the whole vine.

arvin555 18th May 2009 12:55 AM

Re: To Cut or Try to save?
Yes Paphio, this is the premis of my "question" and theory about either to do surgery which is cutting or try to treat the plant withou surgery (humidity dome, etc.)

I am trying both out, but I also do think that if the plant is already too far in bad shape, then even doing a cutting wont' do, cuttings do well if the plant was healthy before you do a cutting.


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