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Robert 19th June 2010 11:00 PM

repotting northiana
about 4 months ago i repotted my northiana into 12" pot. Bigger plant for a bigger pot and rewarded with a bigger pitcher.

whole plant taken from different angle.

approx 4" pitcher

The basal also carried 4 small pitchers. The medium was natural clay pellets + some charcoal.

Another in smaller pot with 2 basals, that required repotting

NepNut 19th June 2010 11:07 PM

Re: repotting northiana
Big northiana really produce even beautiful pitchers... too bad northiana is really a slow grower. Thanks for sharing.

Robert 19th June 2010 11:58 PM

Re: repotting northiana
Rob,i agreed with you, for bigger pitcher a very big pot would be the only choice, as its size increased.

marvin1997 20th June 2010 12:17 AM

Re: repotting northiana
Your N.northiana is awesome!! So pot size really matters? I got a big pot that I can repot it in XD

lowlanderfl 20th June 2010 02:53 AM

Re: repotting northiana
super hottttt!!! nice plant, and great growing

Angkau Tekor 20th June 2010 03:22 AM

Re: repotting northiana
One of my favourites. A true beauty.

edwardyeeks 20th June 2010 09:43 AM

Re: repotting northiana
Lovely, I can't wait for my north to reach that size! Robert, how old is your north?

paphioboy 20th June 2010 09:51 AM

Re: repotting northiana
Nice... :) My small plantlet is only starting to colour up. Previous pitchers were very small and entirely green. So I guess northiana responds well to repotting (like bicalcarata)??

Robert 20th June 2010 01:40 PM

Re: repotting northiana
Thanks all for the comments.
Edward, they're grown from seeds since Feb., 2006.
paphioboy, repot only when it has overgrown. when repotting include the old media thus ensure less stress to the roots.

sooxiwei 20th June 2010 06:29 PM

Re: repotting northiana
the pitcher is so nice, got the wow factor:smile:

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