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problematic baby hookeriana
okay.. this is what it looks like..
http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m...e/100_6122.jpg http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m...00_6127_01.jpg the terminal bud seems to be stunted.. is it because of some fungi or what? please help and thanks |
Re: problematic baby hookeriana
Can't really see any fungus or insect infection on the surface of the leaves. It'll be more helpful if you can snap a pic for underside of the leaves and also stem. How long have you had this plant?
Re: problematic baby hookeriana
OMG..that looks really bad.Try spraying the plant with salt solution.
Re: problematic baby hookeriana
O.....That doesn't look good at all........Could be like cpnut says maybe some sort of fungal or maybe infestation of bugs? Overwatering?
Ken |
Re: problematic baby hookeriana
Scary......but the colour of the pitchers still remain. I think it could be bug infection, wish you good luck in curing it.
Cheers |
Re: problematic baby hookeriana
Definitely looks like some sort of bug attack. I have an N. ventricosa that was heavily attacked by spider mites and ever since it has been showing almost the exact same growth behavior as you hookeriana. I sprayed mine with a CP safe insecticide and later washed it off wit distilled water. It has been putting out new leaves, however the new leaves are small and distorted. I t has been getting better, but no signs of pitchering or 100% healthy new growth. I repotted it the other day and notice that from the bottom of the stem, near the root ball there was a basal sprouting. This lead me to thinik that the plant probably realizes its main growth point has been damaged severely and is putting most of its energy into creating a new healthy basal growth point. I sure hope that repotting it did not affect it so much and hope the new basal makes it. At this point there is not much else you can do. If it is indeed a pest attack, then you need to check the plant well and possibly spray it down with a pesticide. Afterwards just rinse it off well with good water and give it the best conditions possible. It will probably take some time, but the only thing to do is sit back and let it do it's thing. Hope all goes well with your plant, keep up posted on any news or updates. Later! |
Re: problematic baby hookeriana
Please explain & qoute your source. |
Re: problematic baby hookeriana
My mom told me beofre that people spray salt solution if any plant is infected...my xVentrata did get infected and i sprayed it with salt solution.They recovered though.;)
Re: problematic baby hookeriana
And Ali, please don't give out advice based on only one single experience; we are on the WWW, somewhere out there, someone might actually follow this so called 'advice' to the 'T' and end up killing some plant. This will reflect badly on you, and worse it will tarnish our forum's reputation. I've mention this to a number of you more than once, but nobody seem to be listening. You seem to find great enjoyment in just making a 'post', regardless the content. Please, don't turn-off more people from Petpitcher! |
Re: problematic baby hookeriana
Well i wasn't enjoying posting in this forum.I posted it because i have experience in doing so.Please understand that i won't do that kinda thing just for fun.
My xVentrata was infected with spider mites.If my plant recovered after spraying it with salt solution,so why not Malowie's plant recover? Yes i've seen you advicing Ken for posting the northiana cultivation.You adviced him because he did not have any personal experience in growing Northiana. But for my case,i have experience and this forum is for sharing experiences. Why not you experiment your plant?This way,we'll no the bad effects on the plant. Hope you understand! |
Re: problematic baby hookeriana
Hmmmm again my name appearing out of no where....Anyways Ali its just alll an advice...Stuff like this teaches us ya know what i mean....But thinking about it i guess it does make sense if the salt goes in into the media and it might be bad for the nep but if you spray it on the leaves it shouldn't do much damage since its a hardy plant.
Ken |
Re: problematic baby hookeriana
It is a known fact that salt will kill all species of CPs. I have never used salt water to treat pest problems on my Neps before but I've also never read anywhere from experienced growers about using salt water. I think what needs to be said and clarify here is that if you are using salt water to treat pest problems as suggested, make sure the salt water does not flow into the media or the roots will burn and die.
I think this is Athene's main concern here and I agree with her in bringing up all her concerns. But I am not saying you are wrong Ali. It is true to your experience that it works somehow and you are not wrong to share something that has worked for you. Perhaps you could show us how you use salt water to treat your pest problem on you Nepenthes. Would appreciate it if you could explain to us how you treated your plant and where you spray the plant with salt water. Also how long was that since you sprayed your plant with salt water. Did any salt water get into the media. If it did, did you flush he media with clean water? How much was the ratio of water and salt in the mixture? Hope we can all learn something new. I think this thread is good and I like it when members share what they think and experience like Athene and Ali. That way everyone can improve the way we cultivate CPs and make this forum better for everyone's benefit. Good discussion. |
Re: problematic baby hookeriana
Ok, David, once I have acquired some extra knowledge that should contribute, I shall share them! I agree, good diccussion.
Cheers |
Re: problematic baby hookeriana
I agree too. I'll happily share my experiences.
Re: problematic baby hookeriana
I use 1:4 ratio for the salt solution.Yes i sprayed it only on the infected area and i also washed the media after sprying.
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