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kentosaurs 9th November 2008 05:36 PM

Nose Bleed
Hi everyone

Well since this side of the forum if for everything well just wanna discuss bout nose bleed.

A few months back i keep having nose bleeds and the blood don't come out slowly.....hehehe very scary suddenly....(lol)picking your nose then some red paip water coming out not really just coming out its rushing out hahaha.Normally this happens for me a lot for me at maybe a few weeks and then goes off.Sometimes also i exercise to much and when i say exercise a lot means exxecive exercise my nose also bleed.Anyone has this happen for you also??


malowie 9th November 2008 06:07 PM

Re: Nose Bleed
drink more water and avoid fried foods. i used to have bleeding nose often.. then i found out i wasnt drinking enough water and eating too much chocolate etc.

edwardyeeks 9th November 2008 06:11 PM

Re: Nose Bleed
Yep, drink lots of water......make sure you don't eat junk food you have cygnus?


kentosaurs 9th November 2008 06:19 PM

Re: Nose Bleed
Thanks for the advice

Yeah i have well im not wsure bout the spelling but pronouciation is (CI-NUS) or (CI-NUS)


edwardyeeks 9th November 2008 06:34 PM

Re: Nose Bleed
i don't see the difference, well it is possible that your cygnus(whatever the spelling is!) is causing your nose bleed to flow like air deras. Is your nose bleed pure red as in like 'akai ryu's ' colour?


plantlover 9th November 2008 06:38 PM

Re: Nose Bleed
Whats cygnus?? I never nose bleed before. I did cut my nose when i picked it but the blood didn't flow. Only when you touch it.

edwardyeeks 9th November 2008 06:42 PM

Re: Nose Bleed
Cygnus(whatever the spelling is!) is a allergy that one acquires when he/she is young. It is where your nose pus comes out like water and flows, kind of. Lucky you don't have it.


plantlover 9th November 2008 06:43 PM

Re: Nose Bleed
Phew....(relieved) Thats disgusting. But my nose does clog up easily.

Aliamyz 9th November 2008 06:46 PM

Re: Nose Bleed
From what i know Ken,nose bleeds are from heat.If you were wondering around in the middle of the afternoon,you might notice this thing happens to you.

edwardyeeks 9th November 2008 06:46 PM

Re: Nose Bleed
Ahh, well, lets pray that ken doesn't die out of blood loss in nose bleeding. Otherwise, his CPs will be passed down to his succesors in petpitcher.......:1thumbup:


kentosaurs 9th November 2008 06:47 PM

Re: Nose Bleed
Hi Edward

Well i don't think its pulse......Mine just blocks up easily and a lot of mucus sometimes.


arvin555 9th November 2008 09:39 PM

Re: Nose Bleed
I too get nosebleeds quite often, and my daugther sometimes. Yes if you pick your nose, chances of getting a nose bleed is high. However my daughter's doctor said that sometimes bleeding nose is caused by an allergy. This at least gave me a clue, because whenver I eat Chips Ahoy (choco chip cookies) I get bleeding nose, but other chocolate bars and brands I don't, so I'm allergic to something in Chips ahoy cookies, this doesn't mean I stop eating.

I am chinese too, and my Mom used to say that it is "heat" that is causing it, but I disagree now, even in cold weather or even if I am well hydrated, and even if I just took a cold shower, etc. I still sometimes get nose bleed.

You know though, one of these days, if I get a really bad nose bleed, I want to collect some blood, put a drop on my finger and take a photo of my finger with the blood "feeding" a VFT. I would welcome anyone to copy this idea, let us see who gets the best shot of blood feeding VFT or Nepenthes :)


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