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Robert 19th June 2010 11:00 PM

repotting northiana
about 4 months ago i repotted my northiana into 12" pot. Bigger plant for a bigger pot and rewarded with a bigger pitcher.

whole plant taken from different angle.

approx 4" pitcher

The basal also carried 4 small pitchers. The medium was natural clay pellets + some charcoal.

Another in smaller pot with 2 basals, that required repotting

NepNut 19th June 2010 11:07 PM

Re: repotting northiana
Big northiana really produce even beautiful pitchers... too bad northiana is really a slow grower. Thanks for sharing.

Robert 19th June 2010 11:58 PM

Re: repotting northiana
Rob,i agreed with you, for bigger pitcher a very big pot would be the only choice, as its size increased.

marvin1997 20th June 2010 12:17 AM

Re: repotting northiana
Your N.northiana is awesome!! So pot size really matters? I got a big pot that I can repot it in XD

lowlanderfl 20th June 2010 02:53 AM

Re: repotting northiana
super hottttt!!! nice plant, and great growing

Angkau Tekor 20th June 2010 03:22 AM

Re: repotting northiana
One of my favourites. A true beauty.

edwardyeeks 20th June 2010 09:43 AM

Re: repotting northiana
Lovely, I can't wait for my north to reach that size! Robert, how old is your north?

paphioboy 20th June 2010 09:51 AM

Re: repotting northiana
Nice... :) My small plantlet is only starting to colour up. Previous pitchers were very small and entirely green. So I guess northiana responds well to repotting (like bicalcarata)??

Robert 20th June 2010 01:40 PM

Re: repotting northiana
Thanks all for the comments.
Edward, they're grown from seeds since Feb., 2006.
paphioboy, repot only when it has overgrown. when repotting include the old media thus ensure less stress to the roots.

sooxiwei 20th June 2010 06:29 PM

Re: repotting northiana
the pitcher is so nice, got the wow factor:smile:

NepNut 20th June 2010 11:03 PM

Re: repotting northiana
I found northiana is very sensitive to root shock (fr transplant or repotting) and it will take a while to recover for it. So please take great care to minimized root distrubance like what Robert suggested.

kevyn chan 21st June 2010 10:53 AM

Re: repotting northiana
i couldn't deny much that it is indeed a nice plant you have there, Robert :1thumbup:.....and it is real SLOW grower.......:laugh:

sooxiwei 21st June 2010 11:50 AM

Re: repotting northiana

Originally Posted by kevyn chan (Post 30129)
i couldn't deny much that it is indeed a nice plant you have there, Robert :1thumbup:.....and it is real SLOW grower.......:laugh:

I have one from a hobbyist living nearby few months ago, growing very fast, but the size remain the same...

kevyn chan 21st June 2010 02:53 PM

Re: repotting northiana

Originally Posted by sooxiwei (Post 30132)
I have one from a hobbyist living nearby few months ago, growing very fast, but the size remain the same...

yeah...i know what you meant.....growing leaves and minute pitchers but size does not imcrease or growing out from the pot...hahahahha:tongue:

kentosaurs 21st June 2010 07:22 PM

Re: repotting northiana
I'm just happy that my northiana is starting to grow leaves

edwardyeeks 21st June 2010 10:24 PM

Re: repotting northiana
I can tell you that if you are simply careless when repotting your north, it'll die out of root damage. Northiana is actually quite hardy when it comes to other factors. My first northiana of this year died because i ripped away half the roots, foolish me! But now, my second one is starting to thrive. A young northiana takes a week to adapt to new conditions(without repotting), from my point of view. And for me, northiana doesn't grow new leaves slowly, it just slow in increasing size. My northiana before put up a new leaf every fortnight, it surprised me. Of course, over watering caused it's death......

My current north is starting to thrive! Can't wait for it to put on the beautiful pitchers :smile:

paphioboy 22nd June 2010 02:06 PM

Re: repotting northiana
I agree with edward.. It does grow somewhat ok (not too vigorous), but increases in size at a snail's pace. Also very finicky about humidity when it comes to pitchering..

kevyn chan 22nd June 2010 04:03 PM

Re: repotting northiana
wow....amazing! new leave every feorwertyne niht! thats fast.....*biggrin2*

NepNut 22nd June 2010 04:19 PM

Re: repotting northiana
Most of my northiana are growing slowly but surely, as paphioboy pointed out, it's very sensitive to humidity. :sweating:

I wouldn't say northiana is hard to grow (is an LL nep species anyway) but you need to have a lot of patience for it to grow a considerable size... Aren't good things always come to those who wait?? *biggrin2*

kevyn chan 22nd June 2010 04:40 PM

Re: repotting northiana

Originally Posted by NepNut (Post 30194)
Most of my northiana are growing slowly but surely but as paphioboy pointed out, it's very sensitive humidity. :sweating:

I wouldn't say northiana is hard to grow (is an LL nep species anyway) but you need to have a lot of patience for it to grow a a considerable size... Aren't good things always come to those who wait?? *biggrin2*


marvin1997 22nd June 2010 09:45 PM

Re: repotting northiana
So what humidity level does it like? >.<

kevyn chan 23rd June 2010 10:04 AM

Re: repotting northiana
mine..... high humidity in the initial stage of growth (newly received) and gradually to normal outdoor condition. this is because the media that i used is a fast drain combination......ermm..actually coco fiber, charcoal and the exact ingredient from the 'household grade water filter' that you normally see in water clay pellet, 'perlite', etc etc..*biggrin2*

marvin1997 23rd June 2010 06:48 PM

Re: repotting northiana
Oh okay.. Mine grows in sand, vermiculite and perlite so I water every two days :D

Robert 23rd June 2010 07:25 PM

Re: repotting northiana
Hi Edward,
To answer you question again. I uploaded some old pic files of the seeds grown northiana to share with everyone. They have come a long way.The seeds were sown in Feb., 2006 and Photos were taken on 13th July, 2006.

ahbeng04 23rd June 2010 08:54 PM

Re: repotting northiana

Originally Posted by Robert (Post 30222)
Hi Edward,
To answer you question again. I uploaded some old pic files of the seeds grown northiana to share with everyone. They have come a long way.The seeds were sown in Feb., 2006 and Photos were taken on 13th July, 2006.

Cool picture!

May I know, normally up til what size, we can tranfer those small plants to individual pot?

kevyn chan 23rd June 2010 09:02 PM

Re: repotting northiana
ehh....spiky leaves??

funkychips 23rd June 2010 09:17 PM

Re: repotting northiana
Kevyn, all pitcher plant seedlings have spiky leaves like that..they will eventually smooth out when the plant grows bigger.

Robert, I'm hoping to grow a northiana like yours, beautiful growth there. Haven't gotten a plant yet but will get one soon, gonna try yours media combination as well.

Edward, how's your north getting on? :)


edwardyeeks 23rd June 2010 09:21 PM

Re: repotting northiana
Very nice! They sure have come a long way......I just have to sit and wait till my north starts putting out it's beautiful traits. Although watering is a little tricky for my north, i'm not really sure how much water it needs when the media is part LFS.

Robert 23rd June 2010 09:39 PM

Re: repotting northiana
ahbeng,wait till the leaves are approx 3" across.

alvin, this is one lowlanders that worth growing due to its large and colourful pitchers.

kevyn chan 24th June 2010 10:13 AM

Re: repotting northiana

Originally Posted by funkychips (Post 30227)
Kevyn, all pitcher plant seedlings have spiky leaves like that..they will eventually smooth out when the plant grows bigger.


hmm.... can't recall if it is really 'all' pitcher plant seedlings.....will observe properly if i receive seedlings next time.:1thumbup:

edwardyeeks 24th June 2010 09:21 PM

Re: repotting northiana
My first north that I got from Fauzi died, so I got a new one, which is growing well now. However, the north is growing slightly smallr leaves, so I suspect that I'm watering it a little too much. I'm just not sure how often to water since i'm using LFS as part of the media and it's grown in a terrarium. Fauzi originally potted the north in burnt earth and peat moss. I just toout the whole plant without disturbing the roots at all, then put the north in a 8 inches pot with a special media mix.....trying out something new, hehe. Apparently, sphagnum moss isn't a good idea with my current media.

kentosaurs 24th June 2010 11:20 PM

Re: repotting northiana
My north is in pure burnt soil and a little strands of LFS at the surface for slight humidity...hoping it affects :)

eboat 8th July 2010 02:01 AM

Re: repotting northiana
Hey! very nice northiana but I interesting in Kaempferia pulchra in its pot.*biggrin2*

Robert 18th July 2010 07:36 PM

Re: repotting northiana

Originally Posted by eboat (Post 30673)
Hey! very nice northiana but I interesting in Kaempferia pulchra in its pot.*biggrin2*

Hi eboat, kaempferia was a common plant in South East Asia, it's more common in Thailand and Peninsular Malaya.

Robert 18th July 2010 07:36 PM

Re: repotting northiana
updating...newly formed pitcher

eboat 23rd July 2010 12:07 AM

Re: repotting northiana

Originally Posted by Robert (Post 30919)
Hi eboat, kaempferia was a common plant in South East Asia, it's more common in Thailand and Peninsular Malaya.

Yeah! It is common but highly variation pattern on leaves in each area. I also interesting in ginger because it is my dissertation*biggrin2*

Robert 23rd July 2010 02:21 PM

Re: repotting northiana

Originally Posted by eboat (Post 31046)
Yeah! It is common but highly variation pattern on leaves in each area. I also interesting in ginger because it is my dissertation*biggrin2*

It's flowering and i have posted in the designated section.

eboat 23rd July 2010 11:14 PM

Re: repotting northiana
Oh thanks!:1thumbup:

marvin1997 25th July 2010 11:12 PM

Re: repotting northiana
OMG so beautiful! When do you water them?

Robert 26th July 2010 08:44 AM

Re: repotting northiana

Originally Posted by marvin1997 (Post 31173)
OMG so beautiful! When do you water them?

I light misting on the media surface once or twice a day, morning and evening.

Robert 25th August 2010 03:25 PM

Re: repotting northiana
update - a newly formed pitcher. Pitcher is growing larger than the previous.

delphiguy 25th August 2010 04:35 PM

Re: repotting northiana
Very nice northiana... may i ask how old it is and how big was it when you first got it.

Robert 25th August 2010 11:53 PM

Re: repotting northiana

Originally Posted by delphiguy (Post 32075)
Very nice northiana... may i ask how old it is and how big was it when you first got it.

it was grown from seeds since Feb., 2006. This was one of the 2 that were fast growing while others were about half the size.

delphiguy 26th August 2010 09:33 AM

Re: repotting northiana

Boris 26th August 2010 08:59 PM

Re: repotting northiana
Wow Robert ... your northianas are looking so awesome. You must be really proud to have grown them also from seeds. Congratulations!
In my eyes northiana is one of the most beautyfull nepenthes at all. The king of the lowland neps anyway.

Robert 26th August 2010 11:42 PM

Re: repotting northiana

Originally Posted by Boris (Post 32119)
Wow Robert ... your northianas are looking so awesome. You must be really proud to have grown them also from seeds. Congratulations!
In my eyes northiana is one of the most beautyfull nepenthes at all. The king of the lowland neps anyway.

Growing from seeds need patience. It was along wait.
Indeed it was one of the most colourful lowlander.

NepNut 27th August 2010 01:12 AM

Re: repotting northiana
Nice northies :wub:, Robert. If rajah the king, northiana must be the queen... for me anyway *biggrin2*

I always feel the best way to grow northiana is to leave it be... how ever long it takes for it to pitcher... *biggrin2*

Boris 27th August 2010 02:40 AM

Re: repotting northiana

Originally Posted by NepNut (Post 32135)
Nice northies :wub:, Robert. If rajah the king, northiana must be the queen... for me anyway *biggrin2*

I always feel the best way to grow northiana is to leave it be... how ever long it takes for it to pitcher... *biggrin2*

Yes ... right ... so this should be a royal hybrid if you cross the king and the queen. *biggrin2* Maybe not so picky like both and temperature tolerant and a stunning beauty.

paphioboy 27th August 2010 02:24 PM

Re: repotting northiana
Has that cross been done before..? I mean (rajah x northiana)... Would be interesting to see if it inherits the good bits of both parents.. Hopefully none of the bad (wishful thinking).. :)

allenphoon 27th August 2010 02:26 PM

Re: repotting northiana

Originally Posted by Robert (Post 32130)
Growing from seeds need patience. It was along wait.
Indeed it was one of the most colourful lowlander.

this sentences means a lot....robert, let me know if you got some of those seeds, thank you*biggrin2*

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