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kltower 19th February 2009 03:22 PM

Recycle Laundry Area
We had been drying our clothes with this Australian made foldable clothes line for 15 years. To minimise ironing, we decided to change to an environmentally unfriendly clothes dryer. With the decommisioning of clothes line, I moved all my sun burnt orchids and Cps to the sheltered laundry area.

Here are a small sample of plants grown in the laundry area.

Laundry Area

One of my favourite, a red rafflesiana, given to me as a seedling by David Tan. The pitcher is about 9 cm tall.

Speckled rafflesiana. When young the pitchers were white with light speckles. Even now, the small pitchers are speckled and the larger pitchers are more solid brown. The largest pitcher is 15cm.

Dark brown rafflesiana. Got this one from Lau.

Everyone's favourite - ampullaria red giant. This cutting is doing better than the original plant (see below) I bought from Fauzi.

Another seedling from David that turned into a beauty: nice red mirablis x thorelli.

This viking was bought in Chatuchak Market, Bangkok.

Still small, the first pitcher of campanulata bought from Fauzi.

Thanks for viewing.


David 19th February 2009 03:42 PM

Re: Recycle Laundry Area
I think your new area is even better for your neps. Seems very humid with dappled sunlight. Your plants are thriving and growing well. Congrats. :)

kentosaurs 19th February 2009 08:54 PM

Re: Recycle Laundry Area
Hi choong..

Nice...I thought you stayed in an apartment...anyways nice raff variable..


Amelie.Poulain 19th February 2009 09:09 PM

Re: Recycle Laundry Area
hmm... ideas ideas ideas. I'm now contemplating if I should turn my back balcony into my CP garden. Have to check if the lighting etc. are suitable for my babies.

kentosaurs 19th February 2009 10:27 PM

Re: Recycle Laundry Area
Hey athene if you ain't using it for anything then go for it....If it faces everywhere but north then lighting should be fine..South like mine somehow gets only direct sunlight some part of the year which is good for sarrs and VFTs during the sunny time but bad for my neps cause they dry out too fast and leaves turn not so greenish..


kltower 19th February 2009 11:23 PM

Re: Recycle Laundry Area
The laundry area faces the east. So it gets the sun in the morning.


NepNut 24th February 2009 10:25 PM

Re: Recycle Laundry Area
Wah... so many neps and orchids... you got some interesting raff varieties. The new growing area look very suitable for growing neps. Congrats.

TS 2nd March 2009 12:34 AM

Re: Recycle Laundry Area
1 Attachment(s)
You do have some very nice neps. They seems to love their new home. :laugh:
Choong, the red raff given by David is so much different from mine. What I got are cream coloured pitcher/dark speckle pitchers but there is one with pink tinch pitchers.
I have two forms of mirabilis x thorelli from David, the 1st form similar to yours but redder pitcher with red peristome, yours is yellow peristome which is simlar to my 2nd form. The 2nd form totally different as shown below. The pitchers now are more stout compared to last post. (Sorry for the blur picture.)

Attachment 1267

kltower 2nd March 2009 10:25 AM

Re: Recycle Laundry Area

The stout form is a nice variation.


funkychips 2nd March 2009 11:45 AM

Re: Recycle Laundry Area
Looks really unique TS!! :1thumbup:

Choong, your garden really looks fresh and sunny. It seems the conditions are even right for moss to go green.

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