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zulteh279 22nd May 2011 05:24 PM

My other 'exotic pet'...
10 Attachment(s)
just want to share :shy: my other interest that is exotics....
My pets the aquarium,in my bedroom
Attachment 4718
The tarantula
Attachment 4719
The scorpion
Attachment 4720
3 Costa Rica Zebra Ts
Attachment 4721
up-close photo
Attachment 4722
My adult specimen scorpion (Asian Forest Scorpion)
Attachment 4723
The juvenile
Attachment 4724
and the scorpion-ling
Attachment 4725
some of the molted skin
Attachment 4726
The food for my pet
Attachment 4727

Harris Azariel 22nd May 2011 05:41 PM

Re: My other 'exotic pet'...
very nice!
I wonder dont they 'bite' your hand when you hold the scorpions?

edwardyeeks 22nd May 2011 05:44 PM

Re: My other 'exotic pet'...
Cool! The scorpion sting on this species isn't dangerous, right? I read in an encyclopedia that the smaller the scorpion, the more dangerous. Maybe should consider upgrade your pet's home to something 'lebih luas dan selesa' :laugh:

kevyn chan 22nd May 2011 06:03 PM

Re: My other 'exotic pet'...
wow...nice and neat! i had 1 reptile and 2 mammals from tht shop....hehehe*biggrin2*

zulteh279 22nd May 2011 08:58 PM

Re: My other 'exotic pet'...

Originally Posted by Harris Azariel (Post 48761)
very nice!
I wonder dont they 'bite' your hand when you hold the scorpions?

sometimes,when the scorpion is in a bad mood,they will pinch....but u'll get the hang of it.I handle them by holding the tail,and if they do pinch,the key is never let go of the tail,or they will sting....just wait till the scorpion let go then u free ur's just like a crab pinch...


Originally Posted by edwardyeeks (Post 48762)
Cool! The scorpion sting on this species isn't dangerous, right? I read in an encyclopedia that the smaller the scorpion, the more dangerous. Maybe should consider upgrade your pet's home to something 'lebih luas dan selesa' :laugh:

Yup,is just a mild sting from an Asian Forest Scorpion.From the info that i get,it says that the sting is just like a bee or wasp sting.u'll get only inflammations on the sting area.BUT be aware of any allergy reaction if u know to have one...
Upgrading the pets home,i'll put it on my budget planning for next year!:1thumbup:


Originally Posted by kevyn chan (Post 48763)
wow...nice and neat! i had 1 reptile and 2 mammals from tht shop....hehehe*biggrin2*

ur reptile is a 4 legged or legless reptile?*biggrin2*hehehe
i wanted to have a pet snakes...but can't have one because of my mother phobia in them.she's terrified at seeing one....

kevyn chan 22nd May 2011 09:07 PM

Re: My other 'exotic pet'...
4 legged...legless will get myself kickout frm the staff quarters...hahahahha

Just made payment for some 8 legged pet to martin...hhahahahha

zulteh279 22nd May 2011 09:34 PM

Re: My other 'exotic pet'...

Originally Posted by kevyn chan (Post 48771)
4 legged...legless will get myself kickout frm the staff quarters...hahahahha

Just made payment for some 8 legged pet to martin...hhahahahha

so u have decided to get urself a pet Ts....what sp. did u get and is it a slings or adult?

kevyn chan 22nd May 2011 09:37 PM

Re: My other 'exotic pet'...
1x Chilean rose slings
1x Brazilian whiteknee slings
1x Singapore blue slings
1x Purple tree tarantula

zulteh279 22nd May 2011 09:39 PM

Re: My other 'exotic pet'...
2 Attachment(s)
Just found the picture of my Ts when i 1st got it....
BTW,some correction,i've been keeping the Ts for about 9 month,bought it on sept last year....
Attachment 4728

Attachment 4729

zulteh279 22nd May 2011 09:47 PM

Re: My other 'exotic pet'...

Originally Posted by kevyn chan (Post 48773)
1x Chilean rose slings
1x Brazilian whiteknee slings
1x Singapore blue slings
1x Purple tree tarantula

:1thumbup:nice selections....
i'm itching to get myself a new sp of Ts as well.....BUT!.......have to wait.Just got a deal from a seller selling scorpion,a H.hottentota sp. will get it next sunday 29/5/11 COD at subang.Then maybe i can visit Mr.Fauzi stall,hehehe*biggrin2*

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