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Aliamyz 26th September 2009 10:56 PM

Growing highland nepenthes
Hi everyone,

Sorry to put out so many threads.I was wondering,will giving only cooling at nights and normal day temperature helps the highland nepenthes to grow well?

I saw a Thailand grower having success in growing highland neps including aristolochioides and xtrusmadiensis with the method i've stated above.:1thumbup:

This way,i thought i can cut off almost 50% of the electric bill.If this works,i might try too but as usual i need the experts advice before starting.:shy:


SirKristoff 27th September 2009 12:56 AM

Re: Growing highland nepenthes

Originally Posted by Aliamyz (Post 20989)
Hi everyone,

Sorry to put out so many threads.I was wondering,will giving only cooling at nights and normal day temperature helps the highland nepenthes to grow well?

I saw a Thailand grower having success in growing highland neps including aristolochioides and xtrusmadiensis with the method i've stated above.:1thumbup:

This way,i thought i can cut off almost 50% of the electric bill.If this works,i might try too but as usual i need the experts advice before starting.:shy:


im not quite sure what you mean by this question, and im no expert but i do grow highlanders...
What they need is the night time temperature drop, so if what you mean by cooling them, is getting the temperatures they are growing in to drop, then yes...but it needs to be a significant drop, not just a couple of degrees...26ºC(80F) Days, would need a drop to around 15ºC-18ºC ish. my highlanders get a drop to around 7-9ºC at night...

Aliamyz 27th September 2009 02:03 AM

Re: Growing highland nepenthes
I meant by cooling them only at night and no cooling on days.Will this work?

SirKristoff 27th September 2009 03:10 AM

Re: Growing highland nepenthes
they can tolerate pretty warm days of around 90 or so degrees Fahrenheit
mine took a week straight of 100 degree temps a couple months ago
id just mist them regularly to keep them cool. misting system and a fan near by = evaporative cooling...its alot easier than an AC or anything like that

alcran 27th September 2009 03:57 AM

Re: Growing highland nepenthes
I too can attest to this method of growing. Maxima type plants do well. I have an eymae that took days over 105 in the summer. Just don't let them get dry in that kind of heat.

marvin1997 27th September 2009 08:37 AM

Re: Growing highland nepenthes
What about the AC fan?Heh.....I hang all my neps there..hehe

Aliamyz 27th September 2009 10:47 AM

Re: Growing highland nepenthes
We get day temperature about 30+C but not too high inside the house.I might just mist them and cool them by installing PC fans on days and cooling them using AC at night.

What do you guys say?

SirKristoff 27th September 2009 06:34 PM

Re: Growing highland nepenthes
I imagine if the temperature drop was substantial enough, say a good 10-15ºF then it would be enough...

Ifurita 27th September 2009 07:28 PM

Re: Growing highland nepenthes
It will work for most highlanders and hybrids. You may not succeed with species like diatas, villosa and gang, but I do what you intend to do(normal day temps with AC at night) and it works. You will probably want to try the easier highlanders to see how they react to your area plus be prepared to have to fuss over them a little more than normal. Losing a perfectly healthy 2+ year-old rajah just because of transplant shock utterly sucks.

My personal gauge is that any highlander which doesn't die after 4-5 months in lowland conditions(it can become extremely unhealthy, even to the point where it cannot recover, but is still alive) will survive for me for sure when given AC cooling. If the test plant can't recover, that sucks too, but at least you know that the species can survive. :P

eboat 28th September 2009 03:11 AM

Re: Growing highland nepenthes
Hi Ali,
From my exp they required temperature lower than 25 C and very high humidity. So i think you can't grow them in normal lowland condition.

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