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edmund83 25th March 2011 12:24 AM

Re: Veitchii beauties

Originally Posted by Robert (Post 43610)
thanks everyone for viewing:smile:

yes, Edmund, these veitchiis are very "poisonous". They are easy to grow even in lowland but just need cool conds.

You are absolutely correct. I have seen this sp gave a big pitcher from a grower fan. The key is to make sure high humid and cool.

Compare all among family.. I like Bario the most :1thumbup::1thumbup:

Robert, mind share the medium for veitchii that you have come across? Who know one day they will be in my growlist....

Robert 25th March 2011 11:14 AM

Re: Veitchii beauties
i've seen growers using pure coconut chips cut into small size cubes around 1"-1.5", mosses collected from forest or sphagnum moss 20%/ and 80%perlite.

edmund83 25th March 2011 12:09 PM

Re: Veitchii beauties
Currently all my nep medium mixed with coconut chip + sphagnum moss.

Some members mentiond coconut chip produce acid and oil which harm to the plant. Not sure is it true or not.... did you face problem when using coconut chip after few years?

Robert 25th March 2011 02:07 PM

Re: Veitchii beauties

Originally Posted by edmund83 (Post 43661)
Currently all my nep medium mixed with coconut chip + sphagnum moss.

Some members mentiond coconut chip produce acid and oil which harm to the plant. Not sure is it true or not.... did you face problem when using coconut chip after few years?

I never face these problems. Possibly the oil ( coconut oil ) spilled on the husk when extracting the juice and kernel.

boonleng 14th April 2011 03:24 PM

Re: Veitchii beauties
Sharing some photos of my visit to the land of the climbing veitchii.

jimmy0123 14th April 2011 03:38 PM

Re: Veitchii beauties
OMG like Christmas trees decorated with veitchii. Love the last left pic its so pink:wub:

caseyhoo 14th April 2011 03:56 PM

Re: Veitchii beauties
The way of veitchii climbing tree is crazy!!!! Seems like "hugging" the tree using leaf, tentril and pitcher!!!!

edmund83 14th April 2011 04:17 PM

Re: Veitchii beauties
wah @@ ... they all look cute...

BL, one of the plant show pink red on body but green peristome .. Is it happen to the whole plant?

kentosaurs 14th April 2011 05:43 PM

Re: Veitchii beauties
All this wild veitchii pitchers are so big man.....Never really seen pitchers of veitchii grow that big....Awesome!

Robert 14th April 2011 05:47 PM

Re: Veitchii beauties
They are awesome. There are 15 of you, with Mike Lo and George?
Did you take a closer look if the main stem produced roots while clasping and growing upwards?

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