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shawnintland 12th March 2010 02:33 PM

Hort. Hybrids
Just posting a few pics of some hort. Hybrids created here in Thailand. Please excuse the 'Names' they are the 'old names' as labeled here in Thailand.

'King Tiger' x mirabilis 'Kuraburi';

'Tiger' x khasiana;

Viking x khasiana;

kuchinensis x Viking;

'Tiger' x raff 'Alata';

NepNut 12th March 2010 03:17 PM

Re: Hort. Hybrids
Nice "Made in Thailand" nep hybrids, are you one of the proud creator, Shawn?? *biggrin2*

shawnintland 12th March 2010 03:24 PM

Re: Hort. Hybrids
Well, these are mostly made by others (about 2 years ago) and then sent to me to germinate and grow out. My latest batches (lots of 'em!) are just germinating now (and appearing in a mailbox and seedbank near YOU soon!) :2thumbup:

Aliamyz 12th March 2010 04:41 PM

Re: Hort. Hybrids
fantastic Shawn..keep 'em comin!! ;)

Boris 12th March 2010 08:24 PM

Re: Hort. Hybrids
wow Shawn ... very nice plants! Most I like the 'Tiger' x raff 'Alata'. Did the wings of the raff 'Alata' came through for other seedlings?

kevyn chan 13th March 2010 11:15 AM

Re: Hort. Hybrids
oh...they are so beautiful shawn! can wait for 'it' to come through the mailbox...ha ha ha. btw, i was wondering if are those coral bits or limestones in your potting media? if not, what are those and what is the contribution to the potting media/plant....opps so many questions, hope you don't mind...:blush:

NepNut 13th March 2010 11:46 AM

Re: Hort. Hybrids
I think those are pumice, light weight material almost like perlite but cheaper... it's widely available in Thailand but seems hard to find in Malaysia.

kevyn chan 13th March 2010 12:29 PM

Re: Hort. Hybrids
googled thru and wonder if pumice is inert or....?

NepNut 13th March 2010 12:39 PM

Re: Hort. Hybrids
yes, it's inert just like perlite

kevyn chan 13th March 2010 01:00 PM

Re: Hort. Hybrids
if we do acid test on them, perlite and pumice...will they dissolves like limestone?? confuse....

NepNut 13th March 2010 01:16 PM

Re: Hort. Hybrids
if the acid is very strong, anything will dissolved... Remember "Alien"?*biggrin2**biggrin2**biggrin2*

Inert usually means it doesn't contain excess salts and minerals that will leech out and will not react chemically especially for horticulture term.

I have used both perlite and pumice extensively with no ill effect for neps. :smile:

kevyn chan 13th March 2010 04:02 PM

Re: Hort. Hybrids

Originally Posted by NepNut (Post 26804)
if the acid is very strong, anything will dissolved... Remember "Alien"?*biggrin2**biggrin2**biggrin2*

Inert usually means it doesn't contain excess salts and minerals that will leech out and will not react chemically especially for horticulture term.

I have used both perlite and pumice extensively with no ill effect for neps. :smile:

how about sea corals.....?

NepNut 13th March 2010 05:40 PM

Re: Hort. Hybrids
Not recommended to use even if you rinsed throughly to get rid of any trace of sea salts and minerals. Corals are mainly calcium carbonate which will be eventually dissolved in acidic media that most nep prefer. When that happend, the pH of the media will actually become higher (ph >7 = basic) and that's is not what most nep prefer.

However, there's always exception to the rules, neps like N. northiana, N. campanulata and other lithophytic neps where it originally grew on limestone substrate, coral chips "might be" a suitable replacement for limestone.

kevyn chan 13th March 2010 06:16 PM

Re: Hort. Hybrids

Originally Posted by NepNut (Post 26807)
Not recommended to use even if you rinsed throughly to get rid of any trace of sea salts and minerals. Corals are mainly calcium carbonate which will be eventually dissolved in acidic media that most nep prefer. When that happend, the pH of the media will actually become higher (ph >7 = basic) and that's is not what most nep prefer.

However, there's always exception to the rules, neps like N. northiana, N. campanulata and other lithophytic neps where it originally grew on limestone substrate, coral chips "might be" a suitable replacement for limestone.

thank you for the 'might be' reminder and will take note about it.*biggrin2*

NepNut 13th March 2010 07:35 PM

Re: Hort. Hybrids
You're welcome, I did mix some coral chips with one of my N. northiana, so far so good... *biggrin2*

kevyn chan 13th March 2010 07:40 PM

Re: Hort. Hybrids

Originally Posted by NepNut (Post 26809)
You're welcome, I did mix some coral chips with one of my N. northiana, so far so good... *biggrin2*

ok, will add some into my northiana tonight!! he he he*biggrin2*

marvin1997 14th March 2010 03:58 PM

Re: Hort. Hybrids

Originally Posted by kevyn chan (Post 26810)
ok, will add some into my northiana tonight!! he he he*biggrin2*

Ooh..I go buy some tonight kekeke..*biggrin2*

David 15th March 2010 04:22 PM

Re: Hort. Hybrids
Just to let you guys know that Shawn have been having some problems with his computer. As such he apologises for not being able to answer some of your questions for him. Each time he log into this thread, his computer hang and shut down.

Please give him some time and he'll be back ya.

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