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Aliamyz 10th December 2008 12:13 AM


I was surfing the internet and found out that growing viking in full direct sunlight all day will cause the leaves,stems and the putchers to turn red.

I thought the colours will be bleached off in direct sunlight.:confused:

I was hoping to see more detailed info's from experienced members.:smile:


Amelie.Poulain 10th December 2008 02:05 AM

Re: Nep.Viking
N. globosa pitchers usually turn deep red when they are hidden from bright light.

David 10th December 2008 10:01 AM

Re: Nep.Viking
My experience with sp. viking also tells me so... that the picthers needs to be hidden in the dark for it to produce the vibrant dark red colours. However, the leaves should be exposed to sunlight.

They remind me of N. ampularia in the wild where the basel pitchers are totally cover by detritus and other plants but the growing stem is exposed to direct sunlight. In these conditions they pitcher well and the pitchers also has the most colours.

alienfx 10th December 2008 11:00 AM

Re: Nep.Viking
Its hard to hide the pitchers while exposing the leaves.Ali if you have few plants you can experiment yourself some conditions to see yourself which condition gives best colouration.

David 10th December 2008 11:15 AM

Re: Nep.Viking
It can be done and it is not hard. Just need a few pots place close together and let the picthers develop inbetween the pots. That's how some growers are doing it. I know of one grower who purposely use a black plastic bag to cover the developing pitchers. Another burry the developing pitchers in the media/earth where the pots are laid and let it develop in that condition.

alienfx 10th December 2008 12:02 PM

Re: Nep.Viking
Why i said hard is because i want to see the pitchers each time i pass by them.I dont want them to be hidden.

alcran 10th December 2008 12:14 PM

Re: Nep.Viking
Take them out after they are finished developing.

David 10th December 2008 12:45 PM

Re: Nep.Viking

Originally Posted by alienfx (Post 9497)
Its hard to hide the pitchers while exposing the leaves.

Hmm... I still can't see how your statement above can mean that you want to see the pitchers each time you pass by them. But if that's what you say you mean, ok then... :smile:

NepNut 10th December 2008 01:13 PM

Re: Nep.Viking
Ali, the color bleaching part is actually it's pitcher. Stem and leaves will become reddish if there's enough sunlight. Leaves will become a little thicker as well.

If the plants are sitting on a bench or table, hiding the pitchers will be easier, ie. in between pots like what David suggested. If you however hang your plants, then it'll be a challenge unless you cover the pitchers with wrapings but it'll definately be troublesome.

alcran, the pitcher will still lose it's redness even when it's fully develop under shade but later expose to sunlight. This also happens to some form of mirabilis as well.

alienfx 10th December 2008 01:14 PM

Re: Nep.Viking
Well,my neps are between my house door and my car parking area.So each time i go in and out of my house,i will "pass by" my neps and would like to see the pitchers.

Im not sure about but my N. x coccinea developed pitchers will loose its redness when exposed to sun.I got 4 of those N. x coccinea's.Those under the black net is red and the one in the fun sun is red pale(looks like orange colour).

Aliamyz 10th December 2008 05:13 PM

Re: Nep.Viking
I saw it on the Neofarmthailand site.
Mine have green wings in red pitcher.I believe it's a wild form which is not in the cultivation.I only have one pot and don't want to stress it too much.

kentosaurs 12th December 2008 02:56 PM

Re: Nep.Viking

Well i realised my viking has very or quite reddish leaves.....But the pitchers are a little whitish and reddish but i'm quite happy for now.....I think mine is a grade B viking considering it has a small neck..Well the newest pitcher is slightly smaller but i don't wanna bother too much since it came to my collection not to long ago and i guess its normal....And also i try hiding the pitchers in shade but for now not much redder....How long does it take??


Aliamyz 12th December 2008 07:31 PM

Re: Nep.Viking
Well here's mine:

Vikings sure have soft leaves though!

kentosaurs 12th December 2008 07:41 PM

Re: Nep.Viking
Hi Ali

Nice reddish little pitcher you have there....For now mine is not well in the "mood" for showing first lol......My viking has quite thin and soft leaf yeah just like yours.


Cindy 13th December 2008 11:39 PM

Re: Nep.Viking
Vikings are as varied as rafflesiana and ampullaria.

kentosaurs 13th December 2008 11:59 PM

Re: Nep.Viking
Well not as much as raff i guess....Man N viking klom or just beautiful...


bonsay 19th December 2008 01:45 PM

Re: Nep.Viking
just to share my little experience with globosa... got it from Cindy
the plant and pitcher is exposed to direct sunlight for 3 - 5 hours
the bottom side sits on another neps pot with small plants
red bottom :P

edwardyeeks 19th December 2008 03:46 PM

Re: Nep.Viking
Nice viking!


kltower 19th December 2008 04:16 PM

Re: Nep.Viking
I would like to add my 2 sen worth on this issue.

If you visit Neofarm website on "vikings in the wild", you will notice that vikings came from a very exposed environment. They are subjected to full sun the whole day. The leaves are red, waxy and leathery. Although they are subjected to full sun, the pitchers like ampullarias are also hidden under scrubs and grass. The pitchers that are shaded have the reddish tone.

But like Cindy had said, the colour of vikings also varies.

My personal experience suggest so. I have 3 pots of viking hanging next to each other. They are shaded, but receives morning sun. Two are ex-Neofarm (one a cutting from David) and one I bought in Bangkok. The Bangkok plant pitchers seem to be redder than those from David.

Bicalcarata also exhibit such phenomena. The shaded side is darker than the non shaded side.


kentosaurs 19th December 2008 09:57 PM

Re: Nep.Viking
Interesting :D


bonsay 19th December 2008 10:26 PM

Re: Nep.Viking

Originally Posted by kltower (Post 10129)
The Bangkok plant pitchers seem to be redder


u make me want more of these globosa :wub: specially the redder forms... :biggrin:

Noobplant 19th December 2008 11:57 PM

Re: Nep.Viking
An old picture of pitcher that is already dead, i think i wrapped this one in aluminium foil or something.

kentosaurs 20th December 2008 08:52 AM

Re: Nep.Viking
Hey noob plant saw the picture before :p


Aliamyz 20th December 2008 11:44 AM

Re: Nep.Viking
Hi Noobplant,

Will the colour of the pitcher will still get bleached off after you opened the aluminium foil wrapping?


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