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allenphoon 22nd June 2013 07:24 PM

Seedgrown or not?
7 Attachment(s)
IMO, i prefer seedgrown, why? pic explain with a thousand words....

Seedgrow give a lot of variation! this is why i like seedgrow, although its takes a lot of time to grow...

Seedgrown of N.trichorpa x viking
Attachment 5313 Attachment 5314 Attachment 5315 Attachment 5316 Attachment 5317 Attachment 5318

and if clone?
Attachment 5319 Attachment 5319 Attachment 5319 Attachment 5319 Attachment 5319 Attachment 5319

robert128 28th July 2013 10:48 AM

Re: Seedgrown or not?
I understand that everyone has their own opinion on this subject but to add five photos of the same pitcher and say look how boring or plain cloned plants are is misleading to say the least.
I have tissued cultured dozens of nepenthes and the whole idea behind cloning plants it to make copies of plants that are appealing or something out of the ordinary like its colouring or shape
I could do exactly the same thing with a photo of a seed grown plant.

plants that i have grown from tissue culture, look how good they are!!!

seed grown plants, look how plain and boring they are!!!

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