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soonsuseong 20th January 2009 10:32 AM

Re: High humidity DOES make a difference!
i love your terranium.... very well designed. in contrast, my terranium, which is just an old aquarium, never reach such levels of humidity despite having an aquarium aerator bubbling away. so, my rajah, spectabilis looks really miserable and slow growing. so, think you have provide some inspiration to get a well designed terranium. humidity seems to compensate for low temp to a certain degree...

kentosaurs 20th January 2009 10:47 AM

Re: High humidity DOES make a difference!
Hi Athene

Nice nice!!!............How i wish my terrarium has high humidity like yours :p.............Anyways how long have you had that rajah??? Mine is about 3.5" yours look twice my size...Anyways how long did it take to pitcher for you? Mine seem to build up leaves (healthy leaves) quite fast but never pitchers.Since it came which is about a month ago it came out with 3 new leaves fast eh? But now pitchers


NepNut 20th January 2009 01:41 PM

Re: High humidity DOES make a difference!
Thanks for the insight, I'll try some of the HL / Intermediate neps that are not doing too well outdoor especially now since the weather is getting drier and windy.

Amelie.Poulain 16th February 2009 03:09 PM

Re: High humidity DOES make a difference!
Terrarium update.

Photo taken on 13 February 2009

The n. ventricosa 1st pitcher that grew in the terrarium has since dried-up, but check out the latest (3rd) pitcher sitting in the n. faizaliana pot, it's atleast 3 times bigger!

The n. vietchii has had growth spurt all along, I see potential pitcher on th n. rajah, woohoo! Check out the leaves on the 'Red Lantern'

plantlover 17th February 2009 06:09 PM

Re: High humidity DOES make a difference!
Congratulation Athene. Hope they grow even more faster.

TS 17th February 2009 06:14 PM

Re: High humidity DOES make a difference!
Wow, congrate to you Athene, the ventricosa pitcher is big, hope it colour up soon. :1thumbup:

NepNut 17th February 2009 09:21 PM

Re: High humidity DOES make a difference!
Happy to know you had good results, pls keep us updated on the progress, thanks !!

kentosaurs 17th February 2009 10:48 PM

Re: High humidity DOES make a difference!
Hi Athene

So whats the biggest size for your ventricosa pitcher???????? I cut mine down few months back....Now it only consist of 2 short basal shoots which is around 5-7cm tall and are having leaves long enough to put the tendrills outside of the pot.But so far pitchers are only 2-3cm for the tiny basals..Newer once looks promising..i put it in a shadier condition..


TS 2nd March 2009 01:10 AM

Re: High humidity DOES make a difference!
1 Attachment(s)
Hi Athene,
My red lantern has got a new pitcher now. Meaning it can be grown outside as lowland nep. But still can't identify it. I think it has got gracilis in it. The peristome is weird though. It appears to have some maroon/dark red patches on the pitchers.

Attachment 1275

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