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Aliamyz 18th December 2008 12:20 PM

Re: n. ampullaria
That's strange...good if it works for you.

edwardyeeks 18th December 2008 12:38 PM

Re: n. ampullaria
Hey, malowie, nice amp you got over there.:two thumbs up:

Ali, even hookers in some shade produce pitchers, although not very big. However, they grow annoyingly fast in partial shade.


NepNut 18th December 2008 12:45 PM

Re: n. ampullaria
I got 2 hookerianas that I purposely grown on 2 different spots to experiment. 1 under 50% shade cloth and 1 under a tree without much direct sunlight. Both grew and pitcher fine with 2 noticeble difference, the one under shade cloth grew faster and have smaller leaves. The one under the tree grew 1 pitcher/leaf slower and have bigger leaves. Pitcher size for both are almost the same.

edwardyeeks 18th December 2008 12:49 PM

Re: n. ampullaria
Yeah. My balcony is shielded from any direct sunlight completely, unless in the late evening where some light hits the balcony. My hookers had leaves of 5-6 inches long when I got it from Hee Nursery. The first leaf it produced for me was 7 inches long! Now the longest leaf is about 8 inches long. Only one pitcher was made during the whole time my hooker was with me, but now more pitchers are starting to develope slowly and inflate.


kentosaurs 18th December 2008 12:59 PM

Re: n. ampullaria
Hey Ed you got your hookeriana from Hee nursery????? Yours is green speckled type right?? Well mine is some purpurlish with green spots...I always see only this 2 forms around never more than that.So far now my hookeriana has 1 pitcher and 1 inflating from the mother plant and a million pitchers from the uncountable basal shoots (exagerating).Mine doesn't seem to have much space between each leaf..Making it somehow compact..Or maybe its just not quite a fast grower for me.Its one of my oldest plant but its only 20 cm tall.... When i got it it probally is around 10cm? I think i got it at the beggining of this year.


Varhoon Vystra 18th December 2008 11:53 PM

Re: n. ampullaria
Your plant looks great :laugh: but the pitchers of your plant looks a bit faded so you can put it in partial sunlight:2thumbup:.

Aliamyz 19th December 2008 10:22 AM

Re: n. ampullaria
Mine is like this: LINK

I believe this is MT clone.

kentosaurs 19th December 2008 11:04 AM

Re: n. ampullaria
Hi Ali

Yeah mine is like that too......


edwardyeeks 19th December 2008 04:34 PM

Re: n. ampullaria
Mine is something like that, but I bought the one that was small, kenneth. Only one pitcher and no vines at all.


plantlover 19th December 2008 05:48 PM

Re: n. ampullaria
Mine looks like that too.

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