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Watering,Spraying and Misting
Hi everyone
Well since i pratically have nothing to do today other than the usual stuff i would just wanna ask stupid stuff like the oncoming questions. 1st one is... Whats the difference between Spraying and Misting on well......any plants. 2nd.. Will spraying or watering of neps or other plants during the hot afternoons burn the plants or affect it in any negative ways because since our weather here can sometimes be brutally hot during the afternoons i feel like i wanna wet my CPs. 3rd is something like the 2nd... Will fertilizing or foliar feed with chemical fertilizer during the afternoons affect the plants in any ways?? And is it a must to water the plants before fertilizing them. Well thats all...this is what happen when i have nothing to do lol:biggrin::biggrin: Ken |
Re: Watering,Spraying and Misting
Misting and spraying is probably not homonyms but it's the same.
It's good to spray your plants in hot afternoon expecially nepenthes.This will help them from dehydrating. I water my plants after i fertilize them because the fertilizer will dissolve in water and go straight to soil. If you water the soil before fretilizing, it's useless!! I don't think so these are a nonsence questions,it's good to aske question. That's why forum are for;) |
Re: Watering,Spraying and Misting
I am actually interested in the replies to your question, but will try to answer too as follows:
1. I feel that misting and Spraying as Ali said probably the same thing, maybe the difference is either the size of the water droplets misting being a bit more smaller, or the type of device used. 2. There might be an effect but I am not sure, I don't understand it fully yet, but might have something to do with plant transpiration. But frankly I do spray/mist them in the afternoon when I see that the medium is too dry already, specially my VFTs and N. American CPs. 3. I don't use fertilizers so can't comment here. TTFN Arvin |
Re: Watering,Spraying and Misting
Hi Ali
Well i do definitly get a total opposite reply from another forum. Here it is http://pitcherplants.proboards34.com...ad=6686&page=1 According to it,it says that the little droplets of water acts as a magnifying glass O.0 well that i don't know anyways i still spray my neps before i go to school because i'm afraid the weather might be to hot and also during the afternoons humidity can drop quite much for around an hour or two and also Thanks Arvin...More advice is always appreciated hehehe Ken |
Re: Watering,Spraying and Misting
i don't see any burnt spot in my nepenthes leaves and i'm misting it everyday! |
Re: Watering,Spraying and Misting
?????O.o magnifying? thats something new, I've never heard of it before, well, I spray mist my neps and so far no probs at all, no sunburn nothing. Thats because I don't expose them to full sunlight.........:laugh::laugh::laugh:
Spraying, misting, hmmmmm if you check the dictionary, its around the same though spraying means spreading dispersed water while misting is basically condensed water vapour. Ahh, well, who cares, just call it spray misting:laugh::laugh::laugh: I don't think this questions are ridiculous, its fun. Don't forget, stupid can also be fun and a relief to stress, no point of saying this in the thread....:laugh::laugh: Cheers |
Re: Watering,Spraying and Misting
BTW my rajah's leaves and pitchers are getting redder and redder. Is it too much sunlight?? A new leave is growing which means it survived. Its not as slow-growing as it is said to be. I still mist my rajah sometimes and sometimes put ice cubes around it
Re: Watering,Spraying and Misting
Ice cubes?? That should be for darlingtonia I thought. You could put ice cubes around the pot so that the ice cube melted water doesn't freeze poor Mr. Rajah's roots. Hehehe......:laugh:
Maybe your rajah is getting healthier, if it gets redder, then sunburn. Cheers |
Re: Watering,Spraying and Misting
As i told you Aaron,
Don't expose small plants to full sunlight or they'll die expecially like Rajah. They are hard to take care off when they are small with little or no roots at all. Highland nepenthes need really high humidity if grown in lowland conditions though! |
Re: Watering,Spraying and Misting
Hi Aaron
Well depends what you mean by red though so far never seen any N rajah with reddish leaves though.Does the leaves have red spots or is it the whole leaf And if it is the whole leaf does that leaf look wilty???It could be maybe the nep trying to adjust to the high light levels..well i don't really know bit i doubt its that probally sunburn. I heard somewhere that putting ice on the neps will harm your neps maybe just spray it with cooled water...Or...hehehe if you totally have nolthing to do at night....get a small polystyrene box where people keep ice or fishes in the market those boxes and when you get it everyday maybe before you sleep get about few frozen bottles in the box together with your N rajah and keep it half closed haha thats what i do but i'm not sure bout the humidity affects or anything but i don't think it affects it cause when i wake up in the morning there are droplets of water and certain leaves on the nep..and also the ice bottle still partly frozen.It might be irritating after awhile but well just a suggestion Ken Ken |
Re: Watering,Spraying and Misting
Its surviving not dying. I have a new leave opening which is very funny. One side is reddish while the other side is green. Maybe its sunburn but only a little. Only the side of the leaves not the center. I have to expose it to full sun ( shady parts are under the awnings and behind the bamboo made something like a curtain outside and under my trees but I'll get scolded if I put there). So far still alive with new leaves growing and forming. I don't put ice cubes on the nep. I put it around the pot.(my pot is 6-8 times bigger than the rajah.)
Re: Watering,Spraying and Misting
Hi Aaron
Glad to hear that. Ken |
Re: Watering,Spraying and Misting
Thanks Kent. BTW I need to get 1st in my class to get campanulata. I hope I get 1st.
Re: Watering,Spraying and Misting
Hello everyone,
I have read in many places that misting plants in direct sun can cause burn spots on the leafs. This link is one of many that makes such a statement. If you search the web you can find many other resources that state the same thing about misting your plants in direct sunlight, I would not be saying something or giving advice if I did not believe it myself. I have myself proven this with one of my plants, and to the degree that I tried it it proved to be true. It gets pretty hot here in the afternoon with the intense sun. Humidity goes down quite a bit too. I just let my plants deal with this as it is only for a few hours in the middle of the day. I don't worry about this too much, but if I were to try something I would try out a misting fan. These are just common fans blowing air at your plants but with water being passed through the back of the fan and through the spinning blades. The result is a very fine mist that accompanies the air being blown by the fan. These are used in many greenhouses as well as many other places were a little refreshing air is needed to quench the heat and bring up humidity. I think that the water droplets provided by the mist are so small that they evaporate quite fast and not a lot of harm could be done by direct sun. Also, the breeze provided by the fan helps the droplets evaporate even faster. You can make a misting fan yourself using a common floor fan, some aquarium tubing attached to the back of the fan, and a small punp with a water reservoir. Make sure the reservoir is sheltered from direct sun so the water dosent heat up. As I said, I have not tried this myself, but I have had the idea in my head for a while. Later! |
Re: Watering,Spraying and Misting
Yo, ken......
two days ago, on sunday, I went to subang parade and met fauzi. He was really friendly and i asked him some questions. He says that spraying neps in the afternoon during midday sun is not encouraged as it will cause sunburn to neps. Just like panapep said, water acts a bit like a magnifying glass, thus causing sunburn more easily. Plus he said it is more better to spray neps during early morning or late afternoon where the stomata of the plant will be open. It kinda mimics the neps environment where afternoon is hot and evening it rains.:1thumbup: Cheers |
Re: Watering,Spraying and Misting
My rajah's leaves are becoming orange green from too much sunlight but still producing pitchers and new leaves.
Re: Watering,Spraying and Misting
My place temperature reached 39 Celsius and 49 humidity today for an hour or less. I'm afraid it will kill my darlingtonia. The rajah only gets very hot for a few minutes before getting shade from the house next to my house.
Re: Watering,Spraying and Misting
By the way Aaron, fauzi asked you to try not to expose Mr.Rajah to too much sunlight. He also emphasized on the watering of the plant.
Still haven't given a name?:biggrin: Cheers |
Re: Watering,Spraying and Misting
Just call him rajah. No where to put it already. Only for an hour of intense sunlight before getting shade. Its quite hardy. A new leaf has been produced with orange-ish sides. The growth point is longer which means another leaf is about to form.
Re: Watering,Spraying and Misting
Don't test the limits of rajah, Aaron......but anyways, up to you. Good luck in growing!!:1thumbup:
Cheers |
Re: Watering,Spraying and Misting
I plant my rajah in special pot that retains water and in sphagnum. I water the sphagnum until its very damp. My place rains A LOT!! About 1 week 4 time. Deforestation is going on behind my house. That stupid idiot!!! He cut down all the trees near his house. The power station behind the forest used to be hidden by the trees. Know its exposed. If he cut the trees in my area I'll ask my dad to complain!!
Re: Watering,Spraying and Misting
Whoa calm down!:laugh::laugh:
Try making a thread on this. Ken will be mad at us for going off topic.:laugh: Cheers |
Re: Watering,Spraying and Misting
Yah loh. oops sorry Kent, got carried away. I still hate that deforestation and open burning behind my house.
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