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malowie 3rd September 2008 12:24 PM

n. ampullaria

okay.. so this is it. one part of it is damaged cuz my seramas keep pecking on it!

im just wondering only during certain times of the year this species forms basal rosettes.. and i think that ampullaria looks pretty elegant with large pitchers forming from basal rosettes..

David 3rd September 2008 01:14 PM

Re: n. ampullaria
Nice plant with lots of basels. However, I noticed the speckle on the picthers are a little faded. Does the pitchers get alot of sunlight? An advise from an experience grower to me... Try to shade the pitchers but give lots of sunlight to the leaves. The colours on the pitchers will become more vibrant and dark.

Off topic: Wow! You're into seramas. Beautiful birds. Was thinking of getting one as a pet once before but decided not too since I live in an apartment.

TS 3rd September 2008 01:28 PM

Re: n. ampullaria
Very nice plant. Love the clump of basals formed. How tall/long is the main stem?
I think N.amp formed basal all year round, what I mean all year round is the new basals keep on producing pitchers and the old ones dry off.
I wonder how long will the vine grow until it flower, I have one amp that grew taller then me :2thumbup:, about 6 feet tall, but still no sign of flowering.:confused::bored:

malowie 3rd September 2008 08:24 PM

Re: n. ampullaria

Originally Posted by TS (Post 3239)
Very nice plant. Love the clump of basals formed. How tall/long is the main stem?
I think N.amp formed basal all year round, what I mean all year round is the new basals keep on producing pitchers and the old ones dry off.
I wonder how long will the vine grow until it flower, I have one amp that grew taller then me :2thumbup:, about 6 feet tall, but still no sign of flowering.:confused::bored:

i have never had an ampullaria that flowered for me. the only flowers i had was n. gracilis, northiana, rafflesiana, and one more unidentified species.. haha.. somehow i find ampullaria unique in the sense that theyre pitcher lids are 'open' to get plant matter in the wild. how i wihs i had pitchers that reach 15 cm like those in the wild haha.

your old ampullaria basals dry off? my old basals continue to grow and grow and grow until about like 12++ inches? i snip them off when they reach that height. it doesnt look nice to me.

waaaaaaa. mor ethan 6 feet tall? you put under partial shade or more on the direct sunlight side?

malowie 3rd September 2008 08:31 PM

Re: n. ampullaria

Originally Posted by David (Post 3238)
Nice plant with lots of basels. However, I noticed the speckle on the picthers are a little faded. Does the pitchers get alot of sunlight? An advise from an experience grower to me... Try to shade the pitchers but give lots of sunlight to the leaves. The colours on the pitchers will become more vibrant and dark.

Off topic: Wow! You're into seramas. Beautiful birds. Was thinking of getting one as a pet once before but decided not too since I live in an apartment.

hey david. thanks... yeah. its getting quite a lot of sunshine.. ill shift the location then.. thanks for the tip =)

yeah.. im into seramas.. more of kapan actually. theyre nice. ive lost a few to the musang in my area. (you wont believe it) as i stay near bukit Gasing..

yeah.. seramas need space. they like to peck on grass, eat crickets too. haha.. but the bad part is the poop lah.. its stinks.

last year i lost a few of my CPs to a pair of turkeys. but i sold them off a long way back.. they poop like 20-30 times a day, and the poop size is like the size of a cats! seramas are not so bad. the turkeys are worst peckers..

anyway, youll be selling VFTs in the calravy carnival? how much and is it the YG one?


TS 4th September 2008 02:31 PM

Re: n. ampullaria

Originally Posted by malowie (Post 3250)
your old ampullaria basals dry off? my old basals continue to grow and grow and grow until about like 12++ inches? i snip them off when they reach that height. it doesnt look nice to me.

:2thumbup: You misunderstood me, the old pitchers formed on the basal dry off, but the new pitchers keep forming on the media surface to replace the old ones.


Originally Posted by malowie (Post 3250)
waaaaaaa. mor ethan 6 feet tall? you put under partial shade or more on the direct sunlight side?

I put the plant beside my house, getting only 1 to 2 hours of noon sun, the rest of the day is bright. The taller part of the stem is getting more direct sun. I'll try to mimic the environment in the wild to induce it to flower. :smile:

kentosaurs 5th September 2008 11:40 AM

Re: n. ampullaria
I have no amps but the closest to it is N hookeriana for me.My hookeriana has a few basals covering the whole top of the pot but the main plant pitchers dont last long or may not even pitcher at all dunno why,very moody plants. Maybe its like amp and needs more shaded conditions but it still seems healthy since it produces a lot of basal pitchers.I have no pets except fishes so my neps are safe from any other animals unless some birds or insect fly in my balcony and destroy them.But normally if insects come they kinda die and once awhile i check in the pitchers they scare me suddenly theres a dead bee or something.


malowie 17th December 2008 06:26 PM

Re: n. ampullaria

Aliamyz 18th December 2008 10:46 AM

Re: n. ampullaria

Originally Posted by kentosaurs (Post 3321)
I have no amps but the closest to it is N hookeriana for me.My hookeriana has a few basals covering the whole top of the pot but the main plant pitchers dont last long or may not even pitcher at all dunno why,very moody plants. Maybe its like amp and needs more shaded conditions but it still seems healthy since it produces a lot of basal pitchers.I have no pets except fishes so my neps are safe from any other animals unless some birds or insect fly in my balcony and destroy them.But normally if insects come they kinda die and once awhile i check in the pitchers they scare me suddenly theres a dead bee or something.


Ken,as i told you before xHookeriana likes full sun.All my Hooks are growns in full sun and they produce monster pitchers.Just leave them at one spot and they will recover and grow well for you.

kentosaurs 18th December 2008 11:24 AM

Re: n. ampullaria
Hi Ali

Well yeah i've read some about it and i know it does like a lot of sunlight....Now mine is in partial shade and somehow only pitchers for me there......


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