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malowie 22nd August 2008 08:15 PM

n. albormaginata
any experience with this species? I heard it eats a lot of termites.

saw this species today at the MAHA exhibition but forgot to ask about it.

malowie 31st December 2008 01:55 PM

Re: n. albormaginata
finally.. i bought one... lovin it!

kentosaurs 31st December 2008 02:07 PM

Re: n. albormaginata
Nice!!!!!!...............My penang red albo lost all its pitchers because of my stupidity.......I know they grow in full sun but after i bought it i put it into direct sun immediatly and so now it only has one pitcher which it just grew after the stress.


NepNut 31st December 2008 02:50 PM

Re: n. albormaginata
I found albo prefer drier media, so let the media dry a bit in between watering seems to promote growth provided all the other factors are also in optimal level as well. Hope this help.

kentosaurs 31st December 2008 03:13 PM

Re: n. albormaginata
Hi Cpnut

Well i've read of that...........And also seen those in the wild they live in very dry conditions....For my albo i water excatly the same as all my other neps once everyday 2 days...And i mist it sometimes.Well my albo is fine...but i could have been better if i wasn't that stupid hehe


Aliamyz 31st December 2008 03:55 PM

Re: n. albormaginata
They can also live in drier conditions.I mist all my plants twice so they are all pitcher nicely;)

kentosaurs 31st December 2008 04:00 PM

Re: n. albormaginata
My albo always shrink when its dehydrated


Aliamyz 31st December 2008 04:04 PM

Re: n. albormaginata
If you mist your plants,do it in daily basis Ken or else your plants will be stressed.

plantlover 31st December 2008 04:33 PM

Re: n. albormaginata
Well I water my black albo when its dry(Actually I do this to all my neps, when the sphagnum is dry I water until its wet).I rarely mist it. I put it in full sun after I bought it. So far no side effects. Already produced 4-5 new pitchers.

malowie 31st December 2008 06:07 PM

Re: n. albormaginata
wow! thanks for the info guys.. actually ive googled this species but cant find much info on it...

but ive read somewhere that it likes direct sunlight.. so now.. the trick is to slowly introduce it to direct sunlight..

and i must water it sparingly..

Noobplant 4th January 2009 04:41 PM

Re: n. albormaginata
mine. supposed to be all green form but as it matures i can see more purple splotches.... got it for US$4 from BE :1thumbup:

i rarely water it at all. it lives off rainwater

Aliamyz 4th January 2009 04:45 PM

Re: n. albormaginata
Good deal Noobplant;)

malowie 4th January 2009 04:47 PM

Re: n. albormaginata

Originally Posted by Noobplant (Post 11172)
mine. supposed to be all green form but as it matures i can see more purple splotches.... got it for US$4 from BE :1thumbup:

i rarely water it at all. it lives off rainwater

wow nice picture and nice nep!

i want an all green form too! haha i love this species compared to others i have.. and i dont really know why. this nep looks really awesome with the white mouth. :2thumbup:

malowie 4th January 2009 04:48 PM

Re: n. albormaginata

Originally Posted by Aliamyz (Post 11173)
Good deal Noobplant;)

yeah... USD 4 is quite a good price actually :laugh:

kentosaurs 4th January 2009 04:49 PM

Re: n. albormaginata
Nice the reason why it didn't need much water is probally how it lives in the wild......In dry soil.....Love the greeness


plantlover 4th January 2009 08:51 PM

Re: n. albormaginata
Mine is always damp.

paphioboy 4th January 2009 10:36 PM

Re: n. albormaginata
Nice dark one you have, Malowie.. :) I grow my 2 pots of 'Penang Red' half shaded where it receives direct morning sun.. Both have been pitchering consistently and getting redder..

malowie 5th January 2009 05:11 PM

Re: n. albormaginata

Originally Posted by paphioboy (Post 11228)
Nice dark one you have, Malowie.. :) I grow my 2 pots of 'Penang Red' half shaded where it receives direct morning sun.. Both have been pitchering consistently and getting redder..

post a pic of ur albo! haha

i dont even know what type of albo is mine.. can you ID for me? :2thumbup:

bactrus 7th January 2009 11:53 AM

Re: n. albormaginata
Have a look at this thread . Pretty interesing these plants actually grow on laterite on a slop. They receive little watering except from rain and will succumb to drought.

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