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hornydevil 10th June 2009 02:25 PM

ID expertise required.
Please help to identify these for my CP inventory update.

Is this the D.burmanii ? Got it at Cactus Valley, CH.

And is this the D.indica?

Thank you for the assistance.*biggrin2*

bactrus 10th June 2009 02:36 PM

Re: ID expertise required.
D aliciae
D capensis

marvin1997 10th June 2009 03:47 PM

Re: ID expertise required.
I think the place D.Capeniss you bought is the same pot where I bought mine.Right it's cactus valley so same bought it one day before me haha.

bactrus 10th June 2009 04:27 PM

Re: ID expertise required.
How much did you pay for these pots? RM25?

spark 10th June 2009 05:22 PM

Re: ID expertise required.
Second aliciae and capensis, they look just like mine. Well, only with more dew, it's been cold and cloudy this week and all my sundews are sulking.

hornydevil 10th June 2009 06:13 PM

Re: ID expertise required.

Originally Posted by bactrus (Post 17073)
How much did you pay for these pots? RM25?

The list price was RM 18 but I started sweet talking to Ms Cheong and even managed to get an invite to visit YG the next day. Unfortunately, I had to take a raincheck on the visit as I was with other family members.
In the end, she charged me RM 15 each when I asked for a good discount with the number of purchases me and my family members made.

Managed to split and repot another 5 plants from the original pot of D.capensis when I got home! And among them was one of the white variety! Now, that's what I call a great deal!*biggrin2*

hornydevil 10th June 2009 06:15 PM

Re: ID expertise required.
Thank you everyone for the ID. Without your assistance, my inventory would have just read 2 Droseras from CH, June 8, 2009.

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