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Harris Azariel 13th September 2010 06:02 PM

does YG park sell this?
well..i wanna know does YG sell Droseras?

is it so crowded up there?

to climb up there from KL,can i use the Simpang Pulai road instead of the Tapah road?

one more,whats MAHA that ppl are talking about?i heard ppl said MAHA got YG stall la and so on.pls answer if u know.

hw much does a Drosera,Sarracenia USUALY cost?


allenphoon 13th September 2010 06:53 PM

Re: does YG park sell this?
will going YG park this wednesday, maybe i can snap some pictures =D

plantlover 13th September 2010 06:57 PM

Re: does YG park sell this?
Yes, they sell drosera, nepenthes, cephalotus, pinguicula, sarracenia and dionaea. Sarra is about RM 30, drosera is around RM 20

caseyhoo 13th September 2010 07:18 PM

Re: does YG park sell this?
So far, from my memory. Last time, YG sell D. capensis, Drosera aliciae, Drosera scorpioides. It is depends wheather they still have them in stock.

For 2008 MAHA

MAHA 2010 official site

Harris Azariel 13th September 2010 09:34 PM

Re: does YG park sell this?
allen,do take photos :).is it crowded?

thanks gys

allenphoon 13th September 2010 09:36 PM

Re: does YG park sell this?

Originally Posted by Harris Azariel (Post 32702)
allen,do take photos :).is it crowded?

thanks gys

if you mean plant, then the answer will be yes, haha

Harris Azariel 13th September 2010 09:48 PM

Re: does YG park sell this?
no i mean it crowded like the pasar malam?traffic jam?

allenphoon 13th September 2010 10:00 PM

Re: does YG park sell this?

Originally Posted by Harris Azariel (Post 32704)
no i mean it crowded like the pasar malam?traffic jam?

at road, sometimes,depends either got holidays or not, just hope that day won't have any traffic:crying:

Harris Azariel 13th September 2010 10:07 PM

Re: does YG park sell this?
do tke photos and infos about YG park and road status and hw long from ipoh to there.ipoh easier got simpang pulai

calng97 15th September 2010 06:28 PM

Re: does YG park sell this?
from ipoh 1 hr , just back . I coudnt find the place though

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