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kltower 6th January 2009 01:08 PM

N. burbidgeae x edwardsiana
Some of you may have already own this beauty. And since YG has grown them to marketable size, you will likely to see more of them in the market soon. These plants should be 6 - 8 inch big.

There is a craving for these plants overseas because of the edwardsiana perentage.

All the plants that are in the market come from one single MT clone. This is what Chien Lee had to say about this plant:


Hi Tony,

Yes, that's right. *From a large batch of seed collected from N. burbidgeae, only a single tissue cultured seedling turned out to be this hybrid. *It was initially sown in 1997, but was slow to propagate at first and then sold as N. burbidgeae (along with other true seedlings) until larger plants developed and it was revealed to be a hybrid. *It's probable parentage was determined by the obvious characteristics of N. edwardsiana and the fact that the two species were growing in near proximity in the wild.

It is interesting to see that growers have noticed so much variation within a single clone. *Whilst somatic mutation during tissue culture division is not impossible, I think it is far more likely that there are many environmental factors that contribute to the appearance of a pitcher as it develops.

Best regards,
For more info on this hybrid, check out this thread:


shawnintland 6th January 2009 02:14 PM

Re: N. burbidgeae x edwardsiana
I picked up three of them a while back because it seemed to me I had not seen them anywhere else! I'll have to take a look and if they are coming along I'll snap some pictures. Thanks for the info, I hadn't had time to research it yet.

jeff1u 6th January 2009 05:02 PM

Re: N. burbidgeae x edwardsiana
I am so envy you guys
Can get the Impressive Hybrid.

I doubt I can get it in local........... :crying:

Plus it is a highlander...... hai......

kltower 6th January 2009 05:15 PM

Re: N. burbidgeae x edwardsiana

If you can't get it locally and won't be in Cameron Highlands in the near future, try Fauzi. Fauzi will be getting the plants from YG. He can ship to Singapore. Just have the plant sleep with you in your air-cond room.


kentosaurs 6th January 2009 08:36 PM

Re: N. burbidgeae x edwardsiana

One thing is it a compact grower? :p


jeff1u 7th January 2009 12:24 AM

Re: N. burbidgeae x edwardsiana

Those who got it, they grow it in cooler or air con roo0m?

nepaholic 7th January 2009 12:54 AM

Re: N. burbidgeae x edwardsiana
wow not bad. Can someone export one of thoose for me?


kltower 7th January 2009 10:21 AM

Re: N. burbidgeae x edwardsiana

Contact Fauzi at:

I spoke to him yesterday, and he will be getting the stock from YG Park. Fauzi has experience exporting plants overseas with the relevant documents - Export license, CITES and Phytosanitary certificate.

Nice plant.


nepaholic 7th January 2009 12:27 PM

Re: N. burbidgeae x edwardsiana
Thanks Choong

I wrote him. Hope i get answer.


Simon Goh 8th January 2009 02:36 AM

Re: N. burbidgeae x edwardsiana
hi all,

2months ago, I did brought this hybrid from one of the store at CH for around RM25(L size) together with N.menarik - RM18(L size).

Since then, the plant has been doing well within +/-25dc with high humidity and is producing 3rd leaf now.

Unfortunately, the new leave is smaller but healthy.

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