Re: problematic baby hookeriana
Definitely looks like some sort of bug attack. I have an N. ventricosa that was heavily attacked by spider mites and ever since it has been showing almost the exact same growth behavior as you hookeriana. I sprayed mine with a CP safe insecticide and later washed it off wit distilled water. It has been putting out new leaves, however the new leaves are small and distorted. I t has been getting better, but no signs of pitchering or 100% healthy new growth. I repotted it the other day and notice that from the bottom of the stem, near the root ball there was a basal sprouting. This lead me to thinik that the plant probably realizes its main growth point has been damaged severely and is putting most of its energy into creating a new healthy basal growth point. I sure hope that repotting it did not affect it so much and hope the new basal makes it.
At this point there is not much else you can do. If it is indeed a pest attack, then you need to check the plant well and possibly spray it down with a pesticide. Afterwards just rinse it off well with good water and give it the best conditions possible. It will probably take some time, but the only thing to do is sit back and let it do it's thing. Hope all goes well with your plant, keep up posted on any news or updates.