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Thread: Roots
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Old 12th January 2010, 12:40 AM
shawnintland shawnintland is offline
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Location: Koh Samui, Thailand
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Default Re: Roots

Hey Arvin, That's not even one of the 'big' ones! They DO get huge and pretty quickly too. That one has been in that pot for about 1.5 years now and I was prepared to whack it back to manageable size to move it but we managed to do it without breaking anything.

The roots blew me away as originally that pot was going to be for an ampullaria...I drilled about 10 very small (1/8") holes so it would drain slowly and stay moist longer. I didn't get a good look this morning but I imagine the original pot is stuffed full of roots as well and I'm surprised that after squeezing through those tiny holes they then created such a massive volume of roots! What I planted was a smallish plant that had 3 growing points. The clay pots - I'm still undecided, guess it also depends a lot on the species. But for water-loving species this pot-on-a-pot full of water appears to have made the plant pretty happy!

Originally Posted by arvin555 View Post
There are lots of wow factors in this post Shawn.

1. Wow what a big Mirabilis. I didn't know they can grow that big!
2. Wow look at those roots! It looks like there are multiple plants in there.
3. Wow look at those pots
4. Wow about your system, I was thinking of using clay pots to keep some plants that want it cool at night, the idea is that the clay pots will wick water at night which will make things cooler for the plant on, near it.

Thanks for sharing Shawn.

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