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Old 13th July 2008, 09:30 PM
arvin555 arvin555 is offline
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Default Re: owl: D.I.Y. Non-chemical Pest Controller

really really old post, but will revive to share my recent experience, I have a small aphid problem with my drosera flowers, sure they look cute, golden aphids. But was concerned that the flowers might suffer from them. Did a short search and found this topic.

I then also read another post about the soap actually getting absorbed and dehydrating the insects.

Because I know from experience that ****roaches can stay underwater for some time, but die quickly if soap suds is thrown over it, specially on the head. I then used the above mentioned system, but simplified.

1. one drop of dishwashing liquid soap.
2. 10ml of tap water.
3. Mix both together in a container until you get soap suds/foam.
4. I then used a toothpick to pick up the foam/suds and applied on the stalks and stems where aphids are. Because I use foam, I think that I am not putting too much soap on the plant anyway.
5. Waited a few minutes, checked and saw no movement, I tried picking off some of the aphids, looked dead.
6. Got some fresh tap water, rinsed off the parts which I used soap on, as mentioned most of them are flowerstalks so easy to just dip them in the water to "rinse" the soap what little there is.

Will report again if the aphids bounces back in a few days or not.

Arvin's Growlist
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