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Old 26th July 2008, 03:09 AM
Ghan3sh Ghan3sh is offline
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Join Date: Sat Jul 2008
Location: Belgium
Posts: 20
Default Looking for nice highland nepenthes

Hi, im from Belgium and im looking for a nice easy to grow highland nepenthes. I would like to hang it in front of the window in my office. Im a beginner to growing nepenthes but after a lot of reading i think a highland nepenthes has a good chance to thrive there.
Belgium is a somewhat cold-rainy climate much like England. The relative humidity is always 75%-85% year round and i would boost this by hanging cups of water on my radiator which is placed directly under the window. In winter it would always have a temperature swing of 21-22°C during daytime and 12-13°C at night. In summertime temperatures are around 20-25°C and rarily climb above 30°C (5 days in a row above 30°C is considered a heat-wave). With the right soil, distilled water and some bug feeding a highland nepenthes could thrive/survive or is this being too optimistic?
Which nepenthes would you guys advise on getting. I must admit i like the big pitchers like rafflesiana and truncata but these are both lowland species. Are there similar highland species who could live under prescribed conditions? In Belgium there arent a lot of shops so ill have to order via internet and i wouldnt like to make the wrong decision and see my nep wither and die.
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