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Old 19th December 2008, 05:46 PM
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Amelie.Poulain Amelie.Poulain is offline
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Default Re: problematic baby hookeriana

Originally Posted by Aliamyz View Post
My mom told me beofre that people spray salt solution if any plant is xVentrata did get infected and i sprayed it with salt solution.They recovered though.
Infected by what? Did you know salt & mineral deposit actually 'poison' to CP? I don't mean to put anyone down, but what works on one plant might be fatal to others.

And Ali, please don't give out advice based on only one single experience; we are on the WWW, somewhere out there, someone might actually follow this so called 'advice' to the 'T' and end up killing some plant. This will reflect badly on you, and worse it will tarnish our forum's reputation.

I've mention this to a number of you more than once, but nobody seem to be listening. You seem to find great enjoyment in just making a 'post', regardless the content.

Please, don't turn-off more people from Petpitcher!
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