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Old 16th May 2009, 07:28 PM
lirazr lirazr is offline
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Join Date: Sat Feb 2009
Location: Israel
Posts: 26
Default new component for soil mix

I am new in the area of Drosera seedling

I use mix of- peat mos 50%, perlite 25% , vermikolit 25% , and extra professional edition TRICHODERMA.
cited from scientific ticle:TRICHODERMA (free-living fungi -being parasites of other plant harmful fungi, lack of pathogenicity to plants)
"Root colonization by Trichoderma spp. also frequently enhances root growth and development, crop productivity, resistance to abiotic stresses and the uptake and use of nutrients."
I can send the full article by email- couldn't upload it!

general results of my seedling
Preventing mold and funges-I had grait success .
Germinating-almost zero success

1. Does anyone have experience with sol mix of African , tropical,Australian Droseras?
2. I know that a lot of growers put 50% sand , is it necessary for germinating?

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