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Old 14th April 2010, 05:30 PM
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David David is offline
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Default Re: Howdy

Hi Dominic,

Yes, the Avatar is different from your profile picture. Thank you for your lenghtly, but interesting introduction.

To answer your question, yes, you can grow CPs under florencent lights. However, it works best with Drosera, Pinguicula and dionaea muscipula. Check out this archive for more information. As a guideline, make sure the florencent light you use is 6500k. In the wild the grow on wide open sites that receive sunlight the whole day.

Here's an excerpt from an article I wrote some time back. It's a general cultivation guide:

Tropical Pitcher Plants (Nepenthes) requires at least 5 hours of filtered sunlight (about 50% shade cloth) and humid conditions. The growing medium has to be either acidic or neutral in pH, well drained and poor in nutrients. A commonly used growing medium is sphagnum moss. They can be placed in a plastic pot with dried sphagnum moss and watered when the media starts to feel dry.

Sundew (Drosera), Venus Fly Trap (Dionaea Muscipula) and American Pitcher Plants (Sarracenia) can be grown in full sun all day. You can use sphagnum peat moss or sphagnum moss as its growing medium. Place the pots in a tray of water to ensure that the potting medium is kept wet all the time.

Other carnivorous plants like West Australian Pitcher Plant (Cephalotus), Sun Pitcher (Heliamphora), Butterwort (Pinguicula), Rainbow Plant (Byblis), Bladderwort (Utricularia) and others can also be grown in similar conditions. However, they need extra care with humidity and sunlight level. For the genus Heliamphora, temperatures need to be cooler especially at night.

As for the media to use, it is best to grow them in their prefered media. different genus has different requirements. On feeding them insects, different species/genus have different requirements as well.
Plant Database - Picture Gallery - Little Shop Of Horrors

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