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Old 13th November 2008, 11:23 PM
arvin555 arvin555 is offline
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Join Date: Tue Feb 2008
Location: Manila Philippines
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Default Re: Drosera Binata seeds

I am guessing you mean Self Pollenating? If your friend gave you a whole flower stalk and it was fresh, I would have gone and cut off the stalk and put that on sphagnum, might grow plantlets, but might be too late now. I am not experienced with Binata, I have one but no flower yet, I am not sure if they need stratification, but I would have sown them as soon as possible.

What I do with my drosera seeds is put them in say a ziplock bag and shake them from time to time, the small seeds if there is any will eventually collect on the bottom. The fresher the better so sow as soon as possible. If your friend can give you some leaves, you can do some leaf cuttings too, they are fairly easy to get plantlets from leaves, one actually grow without my help at all, the leaf just happened to lie on a nearby pot of capensis and grew plantlet from there.

Good luck!
Arvin's Growlist
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