Originally Posted by kentosaurs
Hi everyone my main topic i wanted to ask is literally does the sun move other than moving from the east to the west???does it move slightly north or south once awhile??  
I asked this because 2+ years back when i 1st started growing nepenthes my balcony was receiving very strong sunlight and my ventrata and my N mixta x fusca wasn't doing so well but they continue to grow but less pitchers.After months of growing neps since i started i realised that there was no more direct sunlight at all just bright light no direct sunlight.During that period of time which is until now my nepenthes has been thriving and pitchering very well for a guy which grow neps in a balcony.But a few days back the direct sunlight sudenly came back and now is shining brightly to my neps which are nearest to the outdoors,slowly getting more light.This is good for my sarrcs and VFTs but not that good for my neps.So my question is does the sun move other than the east to the west???To me it does judjing by the sunlight my balcony recives now but so far no negatif affects yet.   So is my thoery of the moving sun true hahhahaha
Hi Ken...how's this for magic - I bet your porch faces South! Yep, if you think about the seasonal changes and lengthening of the daylight hours in 'summer' and shortening in winter, you'll see that (in Northern Hemisphere) the sun appears to move South in the winter and North in the summer. Hence why we have 'summer' and 'winter'!
I know you must face South because 3 days ago my porch which faces
directly South just started getting hit again. By mid November I get full sun under the eaves of my porch and really have to keep an eye on my plants.
Check wikipedia or elsewhere on the web, I'm sure there's some great diagrams and explainations out there that explain it better than I can!