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Old 7th January 2010, 11:48 AM
shawnintland shawnintland is offline
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Join Date: Sat Feb 2008
Location: Koh Samui, Thailand
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Default Re: Byblis flowering

Well, after 9-10 months of growing these guys now I can add a little bit to my earlier comments;

I have learned to wait until the fruit dries and opens on its own before harvesting. The trick is to slip a paper or dish under the fruit before cutting because as soon as you try to cut (or even just bump it), the seeds shower down. I have also found that (in my case) only a portion of the collected seeds will germinate. I have planted trays of 105 cells with 10 seeds each and still only get half of the cells with plants germinating. But very quickly you will be overrun with them anyway so don't worry!
Plastic bags are terrible if you cut the entire flower or stalk as the moisture in the stem will condense on the inside of the bag and cause mold/fungus problems.
Good Luck!
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