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Old 7th January 2009, 06:30 PM
kltower kltower is offline
Join Date: Thu Dec 2006
Location: Kuala Lumpur
Posts: 305
Default Can We Grow Heliamphoras in Malaysia?

Interesting this question was posed by a Malaysian, Zakhren, in CPUK:

I live in a warm country. Outside it can get to 35C on hot days. Indoors though the average temp is 27-32C (usually its 28-29). Is there a heli that likes, or can survive in these temps? I read a bit and saw that minor and heterodoxa can tolerate higher temps? Does that mean a hybrid between them is better? Because I saw this,
And I think the plant looks really nice. Deep reds to deep greens.

And this was the reply by Andreas Wistuba

the problem is not the day temperature but the temperature at night.
More heat tolerant ones are:
- Hybrids
- H. glabra
- H. heterodoxa

How about air conditioning?
I grow most of my young ones for establishing from tissue culture in air conditiond rooms for a while. A nighttime low of 18 degrees centigrade is sufficient for all species.
For those who grow them in this region (Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Philippines) what are your growing conditions?

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