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Old 30th October 2008, 11:32 AM
arvin555 arvin555 is offline
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Location: Manila Philippines
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Default Re: Watering,Spraying and Misting

I am actually interested in the replies to your question, but will try to answer too as follows:

1. I feel that misting and Spraying as Ali said probably the same thing, maybe the difference is either the size of the water droplets misting being a bit more smaller, or the type of device used.

2. There might be an effect but I am not sure, I don't understand it fully yet, but might have something to do with plant transpiration. But frankly I do spray/mist them in the afternoon when I see that the medium is too dry already, specially my VFTs and N. American CPs.

3. I don't use fertilizers so can't comment here.

Arvin's Growlist
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