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Thread: x viking
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Old 2nd March 2009, 05:06 PM
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Amelie.Poulain Amelie.Poulain is offline
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Default Re: x viking

The 2 trouble-maker in my garden are always the mirabilis & globosa. They collapse with the tiniest moisture reduction. I have been enduring a love+hate relationship with both, at first I thought it was the media problem, being too porous, but when I transplanted with lots of sphagnum moss, the same happen, I realize that this two are just water lover!

If I'm not mistaken, while they do grow in full sunlight in the wild, it's always in a marshland, so I figure a water tray would actually be good for them. For those nervous about root-rot, maybe a saucer under each pot would do.

Shawn, what media do you use? I read in Neofarm, part of the their prefered media for nepenthes is peanut skin! And they actually sell a special media just for viking (the 'recipe' is of course a mystery)! You ever bought them?
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