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Old 27th March 2015, 02:59 PM
Richard Hole Richard Hole is offline
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Join Date: Thu Sep 2009
Location: Tolga, Australia.
Posts: 88
Default Best cutting propagation method


Do you know of anyone that has done some experiments to measure how much difference various cutting striking methods make for Nepenthes?

For example, some people claim that a particular slicing technique is better while someone else suggests something different. Some people suggest putting a split in the base of the stem while other people say to put slits in the outer layer of tissue. With a very sharp knife blade, I used to cut the petiole (at the base of the cutting) off where it joins the stem so the cut also removes the outer layer of tissue on the stem to expose the meristematic tissue. However, a friend who did some cuttings with me who knew a lot about it, suggested this was not necessary and he just used secateurs to cut the stem below the node without doing any other splicing. He also suggested dipping the cutting in water or rooting hormone as quickly as possible after cutting the stem to avoid air getting trapped in the base of the stem. Then he would wrap the stem in sphagnum and pot as soon as he took the cutting out of the water or hormone.

I have been dipping the cutting in a solution of wettable sulfur just before potting to stop fungi. However, other people do not recommend this. Also, some people recommend root hormone while other people say that it does not help.

I wonder if any of these techniques make much difference and if any tests have been done to compare the difference. Do you know of any tests where a reasonable number of cuttings had one of these methods done and it was compared to a number of the same variety planted at the same time under the same conditions where the method was not done?
If not, do you know of anyone that could do this experiment? It would be worthwhile, as it could save a lot of time and expense in doing something that may not be necessary.

Regards Richard.
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