Originally Posted by jimmy0123
FYI, fauzi stall is not operating at subang now due to his organizer problem. Hopefully he can reopen soon.
Oh,i did not knoe that....the last time i went there on March i did not find Fauzi stall...so i tought maybe he's not selling that day.but then from his website said that he moves to subang squares shop...,
anyway,thanks for the info....
Originally Posted by paphioboy
Very interesting hobby. I like spiders too, but don't keep them as pets  tarantulas are still very expensive in pet shops. How long do they live for? Do you breed them?
just like leetplayer said,it is not so expensive went u buy from sling.butit also depent on what sp. u r buying.NO,i don't breed them...yet...still a newbie....hope to breed them when i mastered how to keep them...