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Old 16th November 2008, 07:54 PM
shawnintland shawnintland is offline
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Join Date: Sat Feb 2008
Location: Koh Samui, Thailand
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Default Re: D. adelae leaf cutting experiment

Well, nine days into the experiment and I've seen a couple things so far. Now this is from only a few samples so don't necessarily rule out anything just because of these results. I tried to keep everything the same; light intensity, humidity, temperature, etc.

Here's how things were looking today;
On pure peat moss;

close up;

On potting mix with chopped sphagnum over perlite; (sorry for the blur!)

close up;

On pure sphagnum; (well, I got the label in focus!)


On pure perlite;

So, I don't think I'll use the pure peat too often! The sphagnum, the perlite and the potting mix are a pretty close tie but it appears that the pure sphagnum plants are the healthiest of the bunch.
Anyone else with results please post them!
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